Magnetoresistance oscillations in La-based metallic glass

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyyng1987
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We report that La60Fe30Al10 metallic glass has clear,reproducible,periodic variation in its differential resistance as a function of a perpendicular magnetic field below its superconducting transition temperature. The oscillation period corresponds to a superconducting flux quantum. The observed phenomena originate from the Little-Parks-like resistance oscillations in the cylindrical La nanorod with a high aspect ratio and uniform orientation precipitated on the ribbon surface. The highly-oriented La nanocrystals prepared on a flexible glass substrate offer an opportunity for integrating numerous superconducting circuits into a single chip. We report that La60Fe30Al10 metallic glass has clear, reproducible, periodic variation in its differential resistance as a function of a perpendicular magnetic field below its superconducting transition temperature. The oscillation period corresponds to a superconducting flux quantum. The observed phenomena originate from the Little-Parks -like resistance oscillations in the cylindrical La nanorod with a high aspect ratio and uniform orientation precipitated on the ribbon surface. The highly-oriented La nanocrystals prepared on a flexible glass substrate offer an opportunity for integrating numerous superconducting circuits into a single chip.
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