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[目的]采用机械拍打小鼠腿部组织诱导机体的耐损伤变化,初步探讨其发生机制。[方法]60只健康小鼠,雌雄各半,随机分为A、B、C、D、E组。A组不进行机械拍打,其余各组每天以50HZ·min-1的频率、1N的强度机械拍打小鼠右腿10min。B组拍打4d,C组拍打8d,D组拍打16d,E组拍打32d。各组达到拍打时间后,取拍打部位组织做组织学检查和免疫组织化学分析。[结果](1)打拍部位肉眼改变:A组小鼠皮肤、皮下及肌肉组织颜色正常。B组皮肤红肿,皮下淤血明显。C组皮肤严重损伤,明显肿胀,表皮破溃,出血,肌肉萎缩。D组皮肤损伤逐渐修复,破损处开始结痂,皮肤变粗糙,变肌肉粗壮。E组皮肤损伤完全修复,皮肤更粗糙,角质层明显增厚,肌肉更粗壮。(2)普通显微镜下观察:A组皮肤组织结构、肌纤维正常;B组皮肤组织结构不完整,肌纤维断裂,部分萎缩;C组皮肤组织结构破坏,肌纤维明显萎缩;D组皮肤组织结构完整,肌纤维萎缩逐渐减少,部分肌纤维增粗;E组皮肤组织结构完整,肌纤维明显增粗,肌束间隙变窄或消失。(3)免疫组织化学结果显示:D组、E组拍打部位皮肤和肌肉组织的HSP70表达较A组明显增高。[结论](1)用一定频率,一定强度机械拍打小鼠腿部组织能诱导其产生耐损伤改变,雌雄鼠比较此变化无明显差异。(2)机械拍打可致小鼠受拍打部位皮肤肌肉组织中的HSP70表达上调。(3)机械拍打诱导小鼠产生耐损伤变化可能与局部组织重构、HSP70表达上调有关。 [Objective] The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanism of mechanical injury by inducing mechanical damage in the leg tissue of mice. [Method] Sixty healthy mice were randomly divided into A, B, C, D and E groups. The rats in group A were not subjected to mechanical beating, and the other groups were lapped for 10 minutes on the right leg at a frequency of 50 Hz / min-1 and intensity of 1 N every day. Group B beat 4d, Group C beat 8d, Group D beat 16d, Group E beat 32d. After reaching the patting time in each group, take the flapping part tissue for histological examination and immunohistochemical analysis. [Result] (1) The naked eye of the beating part changed: the color of skin, subcutaneous and muscle in group A was normal. B group skin irritation, subcutaneous congestion significantly. C group of severe skin damage, significant swelling, epidermal ulceration, bleeding, muscle atrophy. D group of skin lesions gradually repaired, damaged at the beginning scab, rough skin, change muscle thick. E group of skin lesions completely repaired, the skin is more rough, stratum corneum significantly thicker, thicker muscles. (2) Under normal microscope, skin structure and muscle fiber were normal in group A; skin structure in group B was incomplete; part of muscle fibers were ruptured; part of skin was atrophy in group C; Atrophy gradually reduced, part of the muscle fiber thickening; E group skin tissue structure, muscle fibers significantly thicker, muscle bundle narrow or disappear. (3) The results of immunohistochemistry showed that the expression of HSP70 in skin and muscle tissue of group D and group E was significantly higher than that of group A. [Conclusion] (1) It is able to induce the injury-resistant changes induced by mechanically beat the mouse leg tissue with a certain frequency and strength. There is no significant difference between the male and female rats in this change. (2) Mechanical flapping can cause up-regulation of HSP70 expression in the skin muscle tissue of the tapped part in mice. (3) Mechanical beat induced injury-induced changes in mice may be related to local tissue remodeling, HSP70 upregulation.
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