Integration of biosafety surveillance through Biosafety Surveillance Conceptual Data Model

来源 :生物安全与健康英文 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dgjklfkgl
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The global movement of people and goods has increased the risk of biosecurity threats and their potential to induce large economic, social, and environmental harm. Integration of biosafety monitoring networks has become a top priority for addressing biosafety issues. In order to resolve the data standards and integration problems in the field of biosafety in China, the Biosafety Surveillance Conceptual Data Model (BSCDM), which is an object-oriented, hierarchically designed, flexible and scalable biosafety surveillance concept data model, is proposed in this article. This model is based on the integration of business process management and data resources of disease surveillance, animal disease surveillance and potential invasive biological monitoring. In reference to the Public Health Conceptual Data Model (PHCDM) and Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), BSCDM conducts a thorough analysis of biosafety monitoring activities, records basic information requirements of biosafety monitoring and provides data set standards for biosafety-related activities. It is developed with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and could be applied as an open standard for accelerating data analysis and promoting collaboration. This study attempts to integrate biosafety monitoring data and the presented model has been tested in the detection of dengue fever in China and will be applied to other biosafety fields.

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