科技兴训 科技强军

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海南军区认真贯彻军委科技强军,科技兴训的精神,将卫生科技练兵列入后勤党委议事日程,部长新自主持会议,制订方案,解决问题,并筹资10万余元,为基层配发了必要的训练设施。由于科学练兵,该区今年1~9月份的昼夜发病率比去年同期下降了11.28%,后送率亦明显下降,节约外诊费11万余元。该区先后从187医院、军区门诊部选派了20名技术骨干深入基层指导,为练兵提供了雄厚的师资力量。同时与地方医院建立密切关系,利用当地卫生资源辅助练兵,先后邀请地方专家30人次上门“传经送宝”,解决技术难题,授课讲学20余场次,活跃了学习空气,提高了学术 The military region of Hainan Province earnestly implemented the spirit of strengthening armed forces with science and technology and invigorating the science and technology through military training and included military training in health science and technology into the agenda of the logistics party committees. The minister personally held a meeting autonomously and made plans to solve the problems and raised over 100,000 yuan for grass-roots units. Necessary training facilities. Due to scientific training, the incidence of diurnal diseases in the district from January to September this year dropped by 11.28% over the same period of last year, and the evacuation rate also dropped significantly, saving outpatient medical expenses of more than 110,000 yuan. The district has successively sent 20 technical cadres from the 187 hospitals and the military outpatient department to conduct in-depth guidance at the grassroots level, providing strong teaching force for training troops. At the same time, it has established close relations with local hospitals and used local health resources to assist in military training. It has invited 30 local experts to deliver “pass through the treasures” to solve technical problems and give lectures to lecture more than 20 times, which has stimulated the learning atmosphere and improved academic
每年空勤人员体检均有一定数量的人因为血压超标而影响飞行出勤。如不能及时有效地治疗,若干年后,高血压会造成靶器官的损害,威胁飞行寿命和生命安全。因此,应充分重视飞 A
目的 对肺结核合并糖尿病进行早诊早治。方法 对59例肺结核合并糖尿病患者进行X线胸片、痰菌、血糖分析,并积极进行降糖治疗及抗结核治疗。结果 59例患者X线病变全部显著吸
例1患者男性 ,56岁。临床诊断 :慢性肾炎 ,肾功能衰竭 ,尿毒症。体检 :BP22.7/15.2kPa(170/114mmHg) ,心率90次/min ,心律齐 ,闻及心包摩擦音。血尿素氮24.1mmol/L ,肌酐689μmol/L ,血清钾8.8mmol/L。急查心电 Example 1 patient male, 56
患者 ,男 ,2 5岁 ,体重 65kg ,因衣原体感染性尿道炎而就诊。给予氧氟沙星葡萄糖注射液 2 0 0mL(每 1 0 0mL含氧氟沙星0 .2g)静脉滴注。输入 30mL时诉右侧上臂皮肤瘙痒 ,出现荨麻疹数
笔者通过十多年来的干休所医疗保健工作,认为干休所卫生所因其工作性质特殊,应重视“全科”医生和护士的培养和教育,以更好地适应老年保健的需要。笔者对此有如下体会: 1 干
一、引言 从上海证券交易所正式营业起,现代意义上的证券市场在我国存在只有6年时间,我国股票市场由当初区区几家上市公司发展成为具有数百家上市公司的较大规模的市场。在