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目的 探讨碰撞癌的流行病学、病理和临床特点。 方法 回顾性分析 7例碰撞癌的临床资料并结合文献复习 ,总结其患病率、高发年龄、性别比、好发部位、临床表现、治疗手段、病理特点等。 结果 碰撞癌罕见 ,高发年龄大于 65岁 ,男性高发 ;好发部位为胃、肝脏、贲门、子宫、肺等 ,临床表现无特殊、术前多不能明确诊断、术后病理诊断是唯一的确诊方法 ;治疗以手术为主、辅以化疗或放疗 ;病理特点为同一宿主同一部位或器官 2个不同类型肿瘤的结合、瘤组织间没有移行和混合 ,有各自的转移途径。碰撞癌以鳞癌和腺癌的碰撞为主。 结论 碰撞癌是一种罕见的恶性肿瘤结合 ,相关的临床特点有待进一步总结 Objective To investigate the epidemiology, pathology and clinical features of the cancer. Methods Retrospective analysis of 7 cases of collision cancer clinical data combined with literature review, summed up its prevalence, age, sex ratio, the incidence of sites, clinical manifestations, treatment, pathological features. Results The incidence of clasping cancer was rare, and the high incidence was more than 65 years old. The incidence rate was high in men. The predilection sites were stomach, liver, cardia, uterus, lung, etc. There was no clinical manifestations and no definite diagnosis before operation. The pathological diagnosis was the only diagnostic method ; The treatment is mainly surgery, supplemented by chemotherapy or radiotherapy; the pathological features are the combination of two different types of tumors in the same part or organ of the same host, and there is no migration and mixing between the tumor tissues and their respective metastatic pathways. Collision of cancer squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma-based collision. Conclusion Collision cancer is a rare combination of malignant tumors, the relevant clinical features to be further summarized
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四川省从今年起对新建、续建的小水电站实行贴息贷款的建设方法。贴息贷款的数目,是按照不同工程的保证出力进行定额投资的,一次审定,今后超过的不补, Starting from this
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Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan has been classified as a world nature legacy by UNESCO. The hydrologic cycle is the research emphasis in this area. Using isotope techniqu