Measurement of Velocity Distribution in Atomic Beam by Diode Laser with Narrow Line width

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jbhjyh12345678
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In this paper, by using the detecting laser beam interacts with the atomic beam at a sharp angle and the Doppler frequency shift effect, the velocity distribution in cesium atomic beam is measured with a diode laser of narrow linewidth of 1 MHz. The effects of the atomic natural line width and cycling transition detecting factor on the measured results have been analyzed. Finally, the measured results have been compared with the theoretical calculation. In this paper, by using the detecting laser beam interacts with the atomic beam at a sharp angle and the Doppler frequency shift effect, the velocity distribution in cesium atomic beam is measured with a diode laser of narrow linewidth of 1 MHz. atomic natural line width and cycling transition detection factor on the measured results have been analyzed. Finally, the measured results have been compared with the theoretical calculation.
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