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事由:为转知中央内务部函告「各地互相介绍干部应事先商得对方同意」由奉中央人民政府内务部函称:「据天津市人民政府六月二十二日津人字第三三四四号函告:『近查屡有各大行政区及各省府如西北、西南、中南、西安、绥远、广西、广东、湖北、安徽、江西等地直接介绍干部来本府请予分配工作,按所介绍来之人员大部为革大、华大、南下工作团等新参加工作者,亦有个别的部队干部,其中一部份是本市人,一部份非本市人,原因则系因病,或体弱以及被编余等等而来津,本府认为这样介绍干部不合组织手续,难予分配工作,如使其仍回原地,则又徒劳往返,浪费财力,同时亦无法开支,处理甚感困难,因此拟请由贵部通各地机关如有干部确有来津工作必要者,亦必须经中央一定组织系统转来,否则碍难收留……』查本部于一九四九年年皓电告各地『省与省、大行政区与大行政区之间不要轻易直接介绍干部,如个别干部有调遣必要时,应事先经过函商,取得对方同意后始可介绍前往,幷须带完整材料及供给介绍证。 Reasons: In order to inform the Central Ministry of the Interior, he wrote, “Everywhere we introduce cadres to each other’s consent, we should obtain the consent of the other party.” In the letter from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Central People’s Government, “According to the Tianjin People’s Government, June 22, On the 4th, he said: ”Recently, cadres from various administrative regions and provincial governments such as Northwest, Southwest, Central South, Xi’an, Suiyuan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hubei, Anhui and Jiangxi have been referred to the government for distribution. Most of the personnel introduced here are newly recruited workers such as the University of Science and Technology, Huada, and the South Work Group, as well as individual cadres of the armed forces. Some of them are people from the city and some are not from the city. The reason is that Because of sickness, infirmity or being overwhelmed, the government thinks it would be difficult to allocate cadres to work in accordance with the procedures described in this section. If they are still returning to their places of origin, they will still be wasting money and resources and will not be able to afford them. It is therefore very difficult and difficult for the government to handle such expenses and expenditures. Therefore, it is proposed that organs in all localities and departments at all levels of the government should, if they have any necessary assistance to work in Tianjin, must also be systematically transferred by the Central Government. Otherwise, Year after year, Hao told the "provincial and provincial governments Do not directly introduce cadres directly between the district and the major administrative regions. If individual cadres are dispatched when necessary, they should go through the mail business in advance and obtain the consent of each other before starting the visit.
二患者为夫妻 ,农民 ,男 39岁 ,女 38岁 ,均因胸闷气短 ,全身乏力 ,阵发性咳嗽伴有粘液痰、血痰 ,皮肤瘙痒 4~ 5 d而就诊。曾自服感冒通、咳必清无效。追问病史 ,半月前有下田
我的母亲曾是“上山下乡”的知青,她讲述插队时的一则趣闻,十分可笑。 在一次政治斗争会上,新任村支书上台讲话。那时讲话总喜欢引用毛主席诗词,替村支书写讲话稿的知青也不