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我院1993年8月~1999年9月在行耻骨上前列腺切除术中采用膀胱颈口连续锁边缝合法37例与1988年~1993年10月采用5~7点连续锁边缝合法84例疗效比较,前者在术后出血方面明显少于后者,效果满意,现报告如下:1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料:膀胱颈口连续锁边缝合法37例,年龄62岁~87岁,平均73.3岁,前列腺切除重量平均为50.15g。膀胱颈口5~7点连续锁边缝合法84例,年龄56岁~75岁,平均为72.5岁,切除前列腺平均重量为51.18g。两组前列腺经病理证实均为良性前列腺增生症。均行耻骨上前列腺切除术,腺窝均采用3%过氧化氢纱布及温生理盐水纱布压迫止血后放置20~30ml气囊导尿管压迫腺窝并于体外牵引。两组病例年龄及前列腺摘除重量经检验无明显差异。1.2 手术方法:经耻骨上切开膀胱前壁,显露输尿管开口,放置输尿管导管支架保护,切开膀胱颈后唇粘膜,包膜下剥出完整前列腺腺体,避免损伤包膜静脉丛,直肠及膀胱三角区,充分暴露膀胱颈口,吸尽血液,迅速用3%过氧化氢湿纱布及湿生 Our hospital from August 1993 to September 1999 in the line suprapubic prostatectomy with bladder neck neck continuous lock suture method in 37 cases and from 1988 to 1993 October 5 to 7 points with continuous locking suture 84 cases The efficacy of the former was significantly less postoperative bleeding, the results are satisfactory, are as follows: 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information: 37 cases of continuous neck suture of the bladder neck, aged 62 to 87 years, an average of 73.3 The average weight of prostatectomy was 50.15g. Bladder neck mouth 5 to 7 points continuous locking suture 84 cases, aged 56 years to 75 years, mean 72.5 years old, the average removal of prostate weight 51.18g. Two groups of benign prostatic hyperplasia were confirmed by pathology. All underwent suprapubic prostatectomy, the crypts were used 3% hydrogen peroxide gauze and warm saline gauze hemostasis placed 20 ~ 30ml balloon catheter embolization and in vitro traction. Two groups of cases of age and prostate removal weight no significant difference after testing. 1.2 surgical methods: incision of the anterior bladder wall through the pubic bone, revealing the ureter opening, placed ureteral catheter stent protection, incision bladder neck lip mucosa, subcutaneous enucleation of the complete prostate gland to avoid damage to the venous plexus, rectum and Bladder trigone area, fully exposed bladder neck, exhausted blood, quickly wet 3% hydrogen peroxide gauze and wet
善于解决问题——也是一门实践艺术,就像善于游泳或滑雪一样,只有通过模仿和练习才能学会. ——G.波利亚 Good at solving problems - also an art of practice, just as go
消元是解三元一次方程组的关键,若能根据方程组中各未知数系数的特点,灵活地进行消元,则可以提高解题速度.下面介绍几种消元策略,供同学们学习时参考。 Elimination is the
我院在 1996~ 1998年 ,对 30例前列腺增生症患者行前列腺摘除手术中 ,对前列腺腺窝及膀胱颈部采用 6 40 0型氩气束凝血综合电刀喷射止血 ,效果良好 ,术中术后出血明显减少 ,报
我院自1997年11月~1999年6月,在复杂性肾结石开放取石术中,采用肾盂或肾窦单一小切口后行气压弹道碎石,经输尿管肾镜(URS)取石成功治疗6例,现报告如下:1 临床资料1.1 一般资
尿道扩张术是泌尿外科基本操作之一,是临床上较为常用的技术。我院自1994~1998年共发现4例尿道扩张术后急性尿潴留的患者,现报道如下。1 病例报告  例1:男,72岁,前列腺增生术后第10天,尿道线细,扩
目的 探讨经直肠彩色多普勒超声诊断输尿管盆段结石与灌肠排石疗法的临床应用价值。方法 彩色多普勒经直肠或阴道检查输尿管盆段结石 ,并用温盐水灌肠。结果  73例患者 ,
2003年的中考题中,用分段计算法解应用题的题目的比例有所上升,这些题目与同学们的生活实际有密切的联系,能较好地考查出同学们的能力,因此,在复习的过程中,应引起注意. 一