Analysis of Heat Dissipation in LED with Various Adhesives

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:welletboy
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Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are semiconducting, light producing units, with the advantages of small size, long life, low voltage, reduced energy consumption, and high vibration resistance. Unfortunately, most LED output power is converted into heat, with little converted into optical energy. If the heat is not transferred outward from the unit, the LED will overheat and its light emission efficiency, stability, and lifespan will be reduced. Improving LED heat dissipation has become a hot topic. This paper used the finite element method to discuss the temperature change in LED heat sources, using epoxy and Al2O3 adhesives with varying heat transfer coefficients. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are semiconducting, light producing units, with the advantages of small size, long life, low voltage, reduced energy consumption, and high vibration resistance. Unfortunately, most LED output power is converted into heat, with little converted If the heat is not transmitted outward from the unit, the LED will overheat and its light emission efficiency, stability, and lifespan will be reduced. Improving LED heat dissipation has become a hot topic. This paper used the finite element method to discuss the temperature change in LED heat sources, using epoxy and Al2O3 adhesives with varying heat transfer coefficients.
1987年12月初,国家教委和中国科协在全国范围内举行了一次“高中理科实验班选拔赛”,其中数学试题的第三题是: 有甲、乙、丙、丁4张纸片。甲是边长为1的正三角形,乙是边长为
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is implicated in motor neurone degeneration. In normal individuals, hypoxia is known to induce an overexpression of VE
1 锯谷盗 1.1 成虫特征 体长2.0~3.5mm,扁平,棕褐色,头部三角形,触角11节,棍棒状,颞颥大而圆钝(图2—a)。前胸背板长卵形,中央有3条明显的纵脊,中间1条直,左、右2条弯成弧形(