第六讲 鲜明简洁 摇曳多姿--课堂教学板书的审美特征

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板书,是一种重要的教学辅助手段,在语文教学中,教师通过一些关键词句、标点符号和各种线条的组合,对课文提纲挈领,缕析条分,把讲述的内容系统化、条理化,使其具有直观形象的作用,从而帮助学生记忆、分析、消化、巩固所学的知识。格式塔心理学告诉我们,当不完全的形呈现于眼前时,会引起视觉中强烈的、追求完整、追求对称、和谐的简洁的倾向。换言之,会激起一股将它“补充”或恢复到应有“完整”状态的冲动力,从而使知觉的兴奋程度大大提高,教学板书正是通过省略次要部分,突出关键部分,引导学生由此及彼,由彼及此进行思考的。因此,教学板书的设计应充分考虑对 In the teaching of Chinese, teachers use a combination of key words, punctuation marks and various lines to systematize and systematize the outline of the text, So that it has an intuitive image of the role, so as to help students remember, analyze, digest, consolidate the knowledge learned. Gestalt psychology tells us that when imperfect forms are presented in front of us, they lead to a concise tendency in the eyes of strong pursuit of completeness, pursuit of symmetry and harmony. In other words, it excites an impulse to “replenish” or restore it to a state of “completeness” so as to greatly raise the level of excitement of consciousness. It is by teaching the students that the secondary part is omitted, the key part is highlighted By this and that, by him and this thinking. Therefore, the design of teaching plank should give full consideration to
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