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我曾经不止一次地说过,儿童剧的任务与特征,就是确证与弘扬童心美。一切艺术都是人们审美意识的“物化”与结晶;而儿童剧区别于成人剧的特点,便是它的童心美。所以,衡量一部儿童剧的价值与成就,主要的就是看它对于童心的发现与表现,达到了一种什么样的深度,具有了一种什么样的吸引力与影响力。然而,童心美在艺术作品中,并不是一种抽象物。它主要体现在人物形象、人物性格上。因而,谙熟艺术规律的艺术家,总是把具有童心美的人物形象的刻画放在首位。通过这样的形象来肯定与张扬童心美,从而启迪观众,感染观众。看南京电视台摄制的四集儿童电视剧《棒棒真棒》,我们都会喜欢上小主人公棒棒。 I have said once and again that the task and characteristics of children’s drama are to confirm and promote the childlike beauty. All the arts are the “materialization” and crystallization of people’s aesthetic consciousness. Children’s drama, which is different from the adult drama, is its childlike beauty. Therefore, to measure the value and achievements of a children’s play, the main thing is to see what kind of depth and kind of appeal and influence it has for the discovery and performance of innocence. However, innocence and beauty are not abstract objects in art works. It is mainly reflected in the character image, the character of the character. Therefore, artists who are familiar with the law of art always give top priority to portrayal of childish and beautiful characters. Through this image to affirm and publicity Tongxinmei, thus enlighten the audience, infect the audience. Look at the Nanjing TV series produced four episodes of children’s TV series “Awesome Bangla”, we all will like to play on the Little Miss Bangla.
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朱宗琪在北京电影学院《学报》1991年1期中用以上命名撰文,说明喜剧小品在表演教学中的作用,他以为至少有以下四个特点: 1.喜剧小品容易使学生消除自卑感,建立自信心。喜剧
作者从1958年8月至1962年6月期间,基本上按着Rambo氏和Guilford氏术式用软组织或肌肉瓣作了乳突腔闭塞术29例,有的和鼓室成型术同时进行, The authors from August 1958 to