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陈纵材学长1910年出生于广西贵港市农村。少年聪颖好学,才华出众。当时国内军阀割据,民穷国弱,备受帝国主义的欺侮,他出于爱国热情,毅然投考黄埔军校第七期。毕业后参加八年抗日战争,指挥作战,功勋卓著。转入联勤总部后,率领一百多个电影队及十多个戏剧团体到部队巡回公演,鼓舞抗日士气。十多年戎马倥偬充分体现了他的作战指挥才能和杰出的艺术成就。 1956年退役后,陈纵材改弦易辙,在台北师范大学艺术系学画七年,崭露头角。1965年由台北迁居高雄市,矢志弘扬祖国文化艺术,先后在台北、高雄各大专院校任国画教授。并在高雄设立“九天画楼”传授国画、书法,门生遍及英、美、法、德、日本、瑞士、以色列等国。先 Chen Long material seniors was born in 1910 Guangxi rural Guigang. Teenager studious, talented outstanding. At that time, the domestic warlords were divided, their poor and poor people were poorly bullied by imperialism. Out of their patriotic enthusiasm, they decided to vote on the seventh phase of the Whampoa Military Academy. After graduation, he participated in the Anti-Japanese War for eight years, commanding the war and making outstanding contributions. After moving to joint logistics headquarters, led by more than a hundred movie teams and more than a dozen theater groups to the troop tour performance, encouraging anti-Japanese morale. More than ten years of military and civilian fully demonstrated his ability to combat command and outstanding artistic achievement. After his retirement in 1956, Chen Chuan-tao changed his course and learned painting for seven years at the Department of Fine Arts of Taipei Normal University. In 1965, he moved to Kaohsiung City from Taipei, determined to carry forward the arts and culture of the motherland and successively served as a professor of Chinese painting at various tertiary institutions in Taipei and Kaohsiung. And set up in Kaohsiung “nine days painting ” to teach Chinese painting, calligraphy, students throughout Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Israel and other countries. first
Solid particle erosion on the material surfaces is a very common phenomenon in the industrial field,which greatly affects the effi-ciency,service life,and even
第9节 对船舶非主要运载货油的要求 (a)船东或经营人应视其运载的散装货油量来制订其计划。对转驳部分燃油的船舶,除非船东或经营人另行指明,否则,船舶25%燃油舱容加上货油舱
【摘要】本文作者结合自己多年的实际工作经验,对电力系统中电能量计量自动化系统应用进行分析探讨,同时提出了自己的看法和意见,仅供参考。  【关键词】电力系统;电能;计量自动化;应用  随着我国电力建设的大力发展,传统电能量计量计费方式已经不能满足市场化运营模式。在传统方式下,大量有关电能的数据采集与统计主要靠人工方式,无法实现实时采集,准确性差,可靠性低,人为因素也会带来数据的丢失和漏费等问题。同时
行星边界层参数化方案(PBL)对天气气候和大气环境的模拟与预报具有重要影响。通过基于单柱模式(SCM)的乌鲁木齐单点理想实验,以及新疆2019年8月15—18日的一次降水天气过程的模拟检验及诊断分析,研究了YSU、ACM2、BOULAC、GBM、MYJ和QNSE 6种常用的PBL参数化方案模拟的大气比湿、位温等气象要素响应土壤湿度变化的特征。结果表明:土壤湿度增加时,使用不同PBL参数化方案模拟的
The potential of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) for disease treatment and health enhancement has been actively pursued over the recent decades.This review first