The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Human Health:Recent Advances and Future

来源 :仿生工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tourena
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The potential of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) for disease treatment and health enhancement has been actively pursued over the recent decades.This review first provides a general introduction about natural EMFs and related biological effects.Then the recent progress on the EMF treatment of some common diseases (such as cancer,diabetes,wound healing and neurological diseases,etc.) has been carefully reviewed and summarized.Yet,the blindness on the selection of therapeutic EMF parameters still hinders the broad ap-plication of EMF therapy.Moreover,the unclear mechanism of EMF function and poor reproducibility of experimental results also remain big challenges in the field of bioelectromagnetics.Bionics is a useful methodology that gains inspiration from nature to serve human life and industry.We have discussed the feasibility of applying bionic approach on the selection of therapeutic EMFs,which is based on the findings of natural EMFs.Finally,we advocate that the detailed information of EMFs and biological samples should be thoroughly rec-orded in future research and reported in publications.In addition,the publication of studies with negative results should also be allowed.
Solid particle erosion on the material surfaces is a very common phenomenon in the industrial field,which greatly affects the effi-ciency,service life,and even
第9节 对船舶非主要运载货油的要求 (a)船东或经营人应视其运载的散装货油量来制订其计划。对转驳部分燃油的船舶,除非船东或经营人另行指明,否则,船舶25%燃油舱容加上货油舱
【摘要】本文作者结合自己多年的实际工作经验,对电力系统中电能量计量自动化系统应用进行分析探讨,同时提出了自己的看法和意见,仅供参考。  【关键词】电力系统;电能;计量自动化;应用  随着我国电力建设的大力发展,传统电能量计量计费方式已经不能满足市场化运营模式。在传统方式下,大量有关电能的数据采集与统计主要靠人工方式,无法实现实时采集,准确性差,可靠性低,人为因素也会带来数据的丢失和漏费等问题。同时
行星边界层参数化方案(PBL)对天气气候和大气环境的模拟与预报具有重要影响。通过基于单柱模式(SCM)的乌鲁木齐单点理想实验,以及新疆2019年8月15—18日的一次降水天气过程的模拟检验及诊断分析,研究了YSU、ACM2、BOULAC、GBM、MYJ和QNSE 6种常用的PBL参数化方案模拟的大气比湿、位温等气象要素响应土壤湿度变化的特征。结果表明:土壤湿度增加时,使用不同PBL参数化方案模拟的