统一思想 深化改革 开创我区水土保持工作新局面——薛富副厅长在全区水土保持工作会议上的讲话

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这次会议是继1990年通辽全区水土保持工作会议以来又一次规模较大的水土保持工作会议.会议的主题是总结经验、认清形势、统一思想、确定目标、开拓进取,开创我区水土保持工作的新局面,再上新台阶.过去的5年,我国水土保持工作形势发生了很大变化,水土保持做为一项长期坚持的基本国策,得到了各级政府和领导的重视.以《中华人民共和国水土保持法》、《水土保持法实施条例》、《内蒙古自治区实施<水上保持法>办法》的颁布实施为标志,我区的水土保持工作走上了依法防治的轨道,实现了以“预防为主”的战略转移.5年来,全区各级水利水保部门,深化改革,积极探索在社会主义市场经济条件下,水土保持如何进入市场,认真贯彻水利五大体系建设及水土保持的五大体系建设的设想,坚持以经济效益为中心,进行开发性的治理,拓宽投资渠道,继续推行以户承包治理小流域,积极进行股份、租赁、合作、拍卖等多种治理形式的探索, This conference is another large-scale water and soil conservation conference since the Tongliao water and soil conservation conference in 1990. The theme of the conference is to sum up experiences, understand the situation, unify our thinking, set goals, forge ahead and open up the soil and water conservation in our region Maintain a new situation in work, to a new level.In the past five years, the situation of soil and water conservation in our country has undergone great changes, and soil and water conservation as a long-standing basic national policy has received the attention of governments at all levels and leaders. Soil and Water Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China, Implementing Regulations of Soil and Water Conservation Law and Measures for Implementing the Law of Water Conservation in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region were promulgated and implemented. Soil and water conservation work in our region embarked on the track of prevention and treatment according to law, Over the past five years, the water conservancy and water conservation departments at all levels in the region have been deepening reforms and actively exploring how water and soil conservation can enter the market under the conditions of a socialist market economy. The five major water conservancy systems and the soil and water conservation The five major systems of the building of ideas, adhere to the economic benefits as the center, the development of governance, broaden investment channels, continue to promote the family commitment Package management of small watershed, and actively carry out shares, leasing, cooperation, auction and other forms of governance to explore,
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