来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xianfaxianfa
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Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) films have been prepared on Si(100) substrates by arc ion plating in conjunction with pulse bias voltage under H2 atmosphere. The depo sited films have been characterized by scanning electron microscopy and atomic f orce microscopy. The results show that the surface of the film is smooth and den se without any cracks, and the surface roughness is low. The bonding characteris tic of the films has been studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy. It shows the sp3 bond content of the film deposited at -200V is 26.7%. The hardness and elastic modulus of the film determined by nanoindent ation technique are 30.8 and 250.1GPa, respectively. The tribological characteri stic of the films reveals that they have low friction coefficient and good wear- resistance. After deposition, the films have been annealed in the range of 350-7 00℃ for 1h in vacuum to investigate the thermal stability. Raman spectra indica te that the ID/IG ratio and G peak position have few detectable changes below 50 0℃. Further increasing the annealing temperature, the hydrogen can be released, the structure rearranges, and the phase transition of sp3 configured carbon to sp2 configured carbon appears. Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) films have been prepared on Si (100) substrates by arc ion plating in conjunction with pulse bias voltage under H2 atmosphere. The depo sited films have been characterized by scanning electron microscopy and atomic f or microscopy. The results show that the surface of the film is smooth and den se without any cracks, and the surface roughness is low. The bonding characteris tic of the films has been studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy. It shows the sp3 Bond content of the film deposited at -200 V is 26.7%. The hardness and elastic modulus of the film determined by nanoindentation technique are 30.8 and 250.1 GPa, respectively. The tribological characteri stic of the films reveals that they have low friction coefficient and good wear-resistance. After deposition, the films have been annealed in the range of 350-700 ° C. for 1 h in vacuum to investigate the thermal stability. Raman spectra indica te that the ID / IG ratio and G Further increasing the annealing temperature, the hydrogen can be released, the structure rearranges, and the phase transition of sp3 configured carbon to sp2 configured carbon appears.
数年前,笔者购藏了一方苴却石海天旭日砚。椭圆形,长17.4厘米,宽12.5厘米,高2.2厘米。苴却石产于四川省攀枝花市攀西大裂谷金沙江畔。  苴却砚是中国十大名砚之一,色泽深重,异彩纷呈,集端歙二砚优点于一身。扣之如金钟声,抚之如婴儿肌肤,纹理奇绝,石品丰富。有碧眼、青花、金星、冰纹、绿标、黄标等近百种。其石质滑润,发墨如油,存墨不腐,历寒不冰,呵气可研,磨墨无声。被誉为“砚中瑰宝”,“砚林珍品”
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1927年3月,为配合北伐军作战,冯玉祥率领20万大军向鄂、豫、晋、绥4省开拔,一路冲杀,所向披靡,经过3年的苦战,冯玉祥与北伐军会师中原的计划即告实现。 In March 1927, in o
老伍坐在一块石头上,眼睛盯着对面的山坡,像是入了迷似的。他的脚下,横七竖八地扔着十几个烟头,其中的一个还冒着缕缕白烟。  从早上五点多,老伍就开始坐在这儿。烟叼在嘴上,任其