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面对新常态,中国经济发展需要新动力。应摒弃过去以GDP论英雄的理念,应追求提质增效。对“两高一剩”产业要逐步减少,但是新的经济增长点要逐步培育。比如新型城镇化、区域经济协调发展、产业结构升级和科技创新以及“一带一路”战略,这些都是未来经济增长点。作为开发银行来讲,应该发挥优势,服务国家战略重点,促进中国经济结构的调整和升级。作为中国最大的对外投融资合作银行,国开行国际业务贷款余额超过3000亿美元,巨大的资金支持将为“一带一路”战略建设发挥不可估量的巨大作用。一是坚持规划先行,要及时启动相关的规划和战略研究。第二,要加强项目开发,建立“一带一路”重点项目储备库。第三,要深化 In the face of the new normal, China’s economic development needs new impetus. Should abandon the past to GDP on the concept of hero, should pursue the quality and efficiency. The industries of “two highs and one remaining” should be gradually reduced, but new economic growth points should be gradually nurtured. Such as the new urbanization, the coordinated development of regional economy, industrial upgrading and technological innovation and “Belt and Road” strategy, these are the future economic growth point. As a development bank, we should give full play to advantages, serve the national strategic priorities and promote the adjustment and upgrading of China’s economic structure. As the largest cooperative bank for foreign investment and financing in China, CDB’s international business loans have exceeded 300 billion U.S. dollars. The tremendous financial support will play an invaluable role in the strategic development of the Belt and Road initiative. First, insist on planning first, we must promptly start the relevant planning and strategic research. Second, we must step up project development and establish a reserve bank for key projects along the Belt and Road. Third, we must deepen
To investigate the stimulated activity of T cells and the anti-tumor properties of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase(HN) of Newcastle disease virus(NDV) strain Changc
通过建立三维温度场模型,利用数值模拟方法,模拟316L钢表面进行Ti和Al合金化的温度场分布,分析Ti、Al涂层厚度以及电子束能量密度对合金化的影响。结果表明,在能量密度为6 J/