Ballistic Transport through a Strained Region on Monolayer Phosphorene

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq503302228
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We investigate quantum transport of carriers through a strained region on monolayer phosphorene theoretically.The electron tunneling is forbidden when the incident angle exceeds a critical value. The critical angles for electrons tunneling through a strain region for different strengths and directions of the strains are different.Owing to the anisotropic effective masses, the conductance shows a strong anisotropic behavior. By tuning the Fermi energy and strain, the channels can be transited from opaque to transparent, which provides us with an efficient way to control the transport of monolayer phosphorene-based microstructures. We investigate quantum transport of carriers through a strained region on monolayer phosphorene theoretically. The electron tunneling is forbidden when the incident angle exceeds a critical value. The critical angles for electrons tunneling through a strain region for different strengths and directions of the the are different. Owing to the anisotropic effective masses, the conductance shows a strong anisotropic behavior. By tuning the Fermi energy and strain, the channels can be transited from opaque to transparent, which provides us with an efficient way to control the transport of monolayer phosphorene-based microstructures .
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