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目的使用水提醇沉法探究粗叶悬钩子根多糖的最佳提取条件;采用Sevage法、TCA法对多糖进行纯化;探究粗叶悬钩子根多糖对MCF-7细胞增殖的影响。方法使用水提醇沉法,进行正交试验,最终确定提取的最佳提取温度、提取时间、提取料液比;采用Sevage法、TCA法对所提的多糖进行去蛋白纯化处理;使用MTT法探究粗叶悬钩子根多糖对MCF-7细胞增殖的影响。结果研究表明粗叶悬钩子根多糖的最佳提取条件为温度90℃,时间2h,料液比1∶15。纯化过程中使用Sevage法、TCA法,多糖含量下降,推测提取产物可能为糖蛋白;MTT结果则表明粗叶悬钩子根多糖对MCF-7细胞增殖有良好的抑制作用。结论水提醇沉法成功确定了粗叶悬钩子多糖的提取条件;纯化结果表明提取物可能是一种糖蛋白;粗叶悬钩子多糖对MCF-7细胞增殖有良好的抑制作用。 OBJECTIVE To investigate the optimum conditions for extraction of polysaccharides from root of Rubus pruinosa by water-alcohol precipitation method. The polysaccharide was purified by Sevage method and TCA method. The effect of Rubus prilimus rhizogenes polysaccharide on the proliferation of MCF-7 cells was explored. Methods The method of water extraction and alcohol precipitation was used to carry out orthogonal test. The optimum extraction temperature, extraction time and extraction ratio of liquid to solid were finally determined. The protein was purified by Sevage method and TCA method. To investigate the effect of Rhizoma Curcumae root polysaccharide on the proliferation of MCF-7 cells. Results The results showed that the optimal extraction conditions for R. solanacearum root polysaccharide were temperature 90 ℃, time 2h and solid-liquid ratio 1:15. The purification process using Sevage method, TCA method, the polysaccharide content decreased, presumably the extracted product may be glycoprotein; MTT results show that R. solanum root polysaccharide on MCF-7 cell proliferation has a good inhibitory effect. Conclusion The water extraction and alcohol precipitation method successfully determined the extraction conditions of Rubus cassia polysaccharide. The purification results showed that the extract may be a glycoprotein. The Rubus macrophylla polysaccharide had a good inhibitory effect on the proliferation of MCF-7 cells.
早熟禾是优良的草坪草和牧草,近年来,天津出入境检验检疫局多次从进境的草地早熟禾、加拿大早熟禾及一年生早熟禾上截获一种腥黑粉菌,暂名为Tilletia sp.。针对T.sp.、早熟禾
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新近开发的青城后山寻仙沟,神仙洞,以她茸秀的峰峦、幽密的沟壑和飞瀑仙潭的灵气,为人们又展示了一处寻幽揽胜,探奇觅险,休闲养生的神秘幻境。 神仙洞风景区,地处青城后山旅
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