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[坛主发言]如今的学生读书压力大、负担重早已是不争的事实,为了进一步推进素质教育,减轻学生负担,各省市都在积极酝酿课程改革,其中动作最大的莫过于大部分地区不再将政治学科列入初中升学考试(中考)必考科目,考察分值也相应地不再计入中考总分。广西南宁市2002年中考率先实行政治开卷考试,2003年辽宁省中考取消了政治学科考试,河北省中考只考语数外三科,江西省中考实行历史与思想政治学科合卷开卷考试,深圳市中考也早已取消政治科目,2005年上海中招方案明确规定政治学科不再计入中考总分……由此可见,我国教育界在改革政治这一学科上着实下了一番工夫。开设政治课向来是中国教育的一个特色,其目的很大程度在于提高学生的修养水平、道德水平,但政治课程的成绩是否能与人的道德修养水平划等号?政治考试从中考中出局又有着怎样的利弊?本期论坛以此为话题展开充分讨论,听听来自学生、学校、家长、专家等各方面的声音,也许我们会对教育界的这一举措有更加全面、客观的认识和把握。 [Forum Master] Today’s students study pressure, the burden is too long an indisputable fact, in order to further promote quality education, reduce student burden, the provinces and cities are actively brewing curriculum reform, of which the most action than in most areas no longer Political subjects will be included in the junior high school entrance examination (entrance examination) required subjects, study scores are also no longer included in the exam score. Guangxi Nanning City in 2002 took the lead in the implementation of the political open book exam, 2003 Liaoning Province exam canceled the political science exams, Hebei Province in the exam only exam language three subjects, Jiangxi Province in the examination of history and the ideological and political discipline co-rolled open volume examination, Shenzhen City The senior high school entrance examination has already canceled the political subject as well. In 2005, the program of China’s move clearly stipulated that the political sciences should no longer be included in the college entrance examination total score. This shows that our education circles have actually made a lot of efforts in reforming politics. It is always a characteristic of Chinese education to set up a political course. The purpose of this course is to improve students’ accomplishment and morality. But can the political course’s achievements be equated with human morality? What are the pros and cons? This forum as a topic to start a full discussion, listen to students, schools, parents, experts and other aspects of the voice, maybe we will educate this measure more comprehensive and objective understanding and grasp.
第Ⅰ卷(选择题共72分) 一、选择题(本题包括8小题,每小题3分,共24分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.最新科技报道,美国夏威夷联合天文中心的科学家发现了新型氢粒子,这种
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