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一个为养路事业奉献38个春秋的党员干部,退休后回到山区农村,带领乡亲们义务修路,在极其困难的条件下,圆了山村“水、电、路”三通的梦。他就是云南下关公路管理段的退休干部杨广才。热土难留退休之前,杨广才是下关公路段的党支部书记。1994年5月20日,干了38年养路工作的杨广才光荣退休,欢送会上,同伴们挽留惜别的话语,让这位老支书热泪盈眶,他舍不得共事多年的同志。但他 One of the Party members and cadres who dedicated 38 spring and autumn cadres to the maintenance of road maintenance returned to the rural areas of mountainous areas after their retirement and led the villagers to volunteer for road construction. Under extremely difficult conditions, they rounded up the dream of the village, water, electricity and roads. He is a retired cadre of Guanghuan Highway Management Section of Yunnan Yang Guangcai. Hot soil difficult to stay before retirement, Yang Guangcai is under the highway section of the Party branch secretary. On May 20, 1994, Yang Guangcai, who had spent 38 years in road maintenance, gloriously retired. At the farewell party, his companions retained their farewell words and let the old secretary cried with tears. He was reluctant to work for many years as a comrade. But he
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“养路,本就被人小看,我们更不能自己看不起自己。”湖南慈利县公路段喻家嘴工班班长杜慎清如是说。 44岁的杜慎清,当养路工已有14年。14年里,他当了1年工班记录员,当了13年
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1 他怎么也没想到自己会成为上海市成人教育先进工作者,因为他始终认为所做的一切完全是应尽的义务。当从市领导手中接过那鲜红的烫金证书时,梁国祥感到其中蕴含的不仅是一