Cyclical helping hands: seasonal tailwinds differentially affect migrating Oriental Storks (Ciconia

来源 :鸟类学研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenzenghua
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Background: The Oriental Stork (Ciconia boyciana) breeds in southeast Siberia and parts of northeast China, and winters mainly in southeast China. Although the autumn migration patt of Oriental Storks has been previously described, differences between spring and autumn migration travel speed in relation to wind assistance were unknown. Methods: Using GPS/GSM transmitters, we tracked the full migrations of 18 Oriental Storks during 2015?2018 to compare differences in autumn and spring migration patts, and combined the satellite telemetry data with the National Center for Environmental Prediction Reanalysis data to explain the relationship between 850 mbar wind vectors and seasonal differences in travel speed. Results: Differences in tailwinds contributed to significant differences in daily average Oriental Storks travel speed in spring (258.11 ± 64.8 km/day) compared to autumn (172.23 ± 49.7 km/day, p < 0.001). Storks stopped significantly more often in autumn than spring (1.78 ± 1.1 versus 1.06 ± 0.9, p < 0.05), but stopover duration (15.52 ± 12.4 versus 16.30 ± 15.1 days, respectively, p = 0.3) did not differ significantly. Tailwinds at 850 mbar pressure level (extracted from the National Center of Environmental Prediction Reanalysis data archive) significantly affected daily flying speed during spring and autumn migration. Tailwind conditions in spring (mean 4.40 ± 5.6 m/s) were always more favourable than in autumn when they received no net benefit (0.48 ± 5.6 m/s, p < 0.001). Despite mean spring migration duration being less than autumn (27.52 ± 15.9 versus 32.77 ± 13.4 days, p = 0.17), large individual variation meant that this duration did not differ significantly from each other. Conclusions: For long distance migratory soaring birds (such as storks), relative duration of spring and autumn migration likely relates to the interaction between imperative for earliest arrival to breeding grounds and seasonal meteorological conditions experienced en route.
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前言:  混凝土墙体在施工期间经常产生裂缝,该裂缝会对建筑使用功能、结构耐久性能、结构承载能力等造成影响。有时即使对建筑的使用功能、耐久性及承载能力的影响不大,也会对用户心理造成不良影响;混凝土墙体裂缝的产生一般是由于混凝土主动收缩、温度变形而引起的,但是往往难以发现其裂缝产生的真正原因所在,最终很难有好的处理效果。某工程地下室建筑面积3349.8m2,东西横向长度为88.45m,南北横向长度为3
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