Clinical application and evaluation of an early non-sedation protocol for critically ill respiratory

来源 :China Medical Abstracts(Internal Medicine) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bairuyu123
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Objective To study the value of an early(mechanical ventilation after 24 h)nonsedation protocol for intubated,mechanically ventilated patients in the respiratory intensive care unit(RICU).Methods Seventy intubated,mechanically ventilated patients were prospectively enrolled and randomly assigned to management with early non-sedation(intervention group;n=35)or with daily Objective To study the value of an early (mechanical ventilation after 24 h) nonsedation protocol for intubated, mechanically ventilated patients in the respiratory intensive care unit (RICU). Methods Seventy intubated, mechanically ventilated patients were prospectively enrolled and randomly assigned to management with early non-sedation (intervention group; n = 35) or with daily
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