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蔡方毅,浙江省交通规划设计研究院总工程师,近几年来,出访过美国、德国、法国、英国、日本、荷兰、意大利等世界发达国家,考察其高速公路的设计、建设和管理情况。当记者就“中外高速公路对比”对其进行采访时,他打开了活匣子,以一个专业技术干部的客观科学和率性耿直侃侃而谈: 我国的高速公路从80年代起步,经过了短短10多年的发展,目前里程数已逾万公里,列世界第四,估计到今年年底将超过德国排第三位。起步迟,发展快,成绩令世人瞩目。我国高速公路的规范和标准与发达国家相比并没有什么差距,就是外国专家也啧啧称 Cai Fangyi, chief engineer of Zhejiang Traffic Planning and Design Institute, has visited the developed countries in the world such as the United States, Germany, France, Britain, Japan, the Netherlands and Italy in recent years to inspect the design, construction and management of the expressways. When the reporter interviewed him on the “Comparison of Chinese and Foreign Highways,” he opened up the magazine and talked straight to the objective science and quickness of a professional and technical cadre: Since the start of the expressway of our country in the 1980s, after a short period More than 10 years of development, the current number of miles has more than 10,000 kilometers, ranking fourth in the world, it is estimated that by the end of this year will overtake Germany ranked third. Start late, rapid development, achievements have attracted worldwide attention. China’s expressway norms and standards compared with developed countries and there is no gap, that is, foreign experts also said
智能交通系统是指集计算机、信息、电子、通讯等高新技术于一身的交通系统。智能交通系统是21世纪交通管理的发展方向,它通过对交通信息的实时采集、传输和处 Intelligent
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湿地松(Pidnus elliottii Engelm),火炬松(Pinustaera L)原产美国东南部,三十年代引入我国,在我国南方诸省区引种成功,历年造林400多万亩,并已开花结实.我省1972年开始引进,
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