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林业的首要任务是,提高森林生产力和单位林地面积商品材出材量。完成这个任务的条件是,林业生产的集约化,国家全部林地的合理利用,降低人力、物力的消耗和促进产品产量的增加。研究林业生产各种措施效率的标准,对制定林业生产的长远规划,预测森林生产力的提高,具有重要意义。但是,林业生产措施的森林学效率和经济效率,至今还没有一个统一的测算办法。在一九七二年至一九七五年间,苏联国家林业没计院根据国家林管区的任务,研究了这方面的测算方法,并对五个林业集约经营的经济区(中央经济区、伏尔加—维雅特卡经济 The primary task of forestry is to increase forest productivity and timber output per unit of woodland. The conditions for accomplishing this task are the intensification of forestry production, the rational utilization of all the country’s woodlands, the reduction of manpower and material resources, and the increase of production output. It is of great significance to study the long-term planning of forestry production and to predict the improvement of forest productivity through research on the standards of various measures of forestry production efficiency. However, the forestry efficiency and economic efficiency of forestry production measures, so far there is no unified measurement. Between 1972 and 1975, the State Forestry Administration of the Soviet Union studied the measurement methods in this area in accordance with the tasks of the State Forestry Administration and evaluated the economic activities of the five heavily-managed forestry areas (Central Economic Zone, Volga - Vyatka economy
做实业不容易,手机是特别典型的硬件制造行业,这个行业链条长、环节多、资金链重,而我这次跨界确实跨得有点远,由于经验不足,犯了很多错误,比如在设计上做了一些比较激进的选择,导致量产出现了很多问题,包括因为在细节上过分追求完美,导致产品发布频频延迟,坚果、T2都比预计上市的时间差不多晚了半年,错过了最佳的销售期。  反过头来想创业这件事,会发现能经得起各种打击的,这真不是“抗压能力强”这几个字这么简单
To promote the future quantum information technologies, we demonstrate an electrically driven optical switch based on quantum interference in a hybrid opto-elec
自“社会主义”这个概念在世界上出现以来 ,关于什么是社会主义的问题 ,随着时间的推移 ,不同时代的人给予了不同的回答。其所以如此 ,是因为任何一种理论的形成 ,归根结蒂是
We investigate how displaced thermal states(DTSs) evolve in a laser channel. Remarkably, the initial DTS, an example of a mixed state, still remains mixed and t
旅游业是泰国的支柱产业 之一,也是仅次于电脑及 其配件生产业的泰国第二大创汇产业。近些年来,特别是1997年东南亚金融危机以来,一枝独秀的旅游业更是为泰国经济渡过难关发
We study localized waves on continuous wave background in an exponential dispersion decreasing fiber with two orthogonal polarization states. We demonstrate tha
中国人了解世界的热情是越来 越高了。这一点,只要看澳大 利亚旅游点一大群一大群说中国话的游客就清楚了。为了使游客更好地了解澳大利亚,记者凭着长驻澳大利亚的经验,作如