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早在1866年,Graham就发现金属钯吸收各种气体的能力较大,而吸氢能力尤强。钯能在低温吸氢,又在高温下释放。据报导,1体积的金属钯可以吸收近3000个体积的氢。就金属的吸氢能力而言,钯是最空出的。根据钯的这一特性,人们用钯来制备、储存纯氢,目前,在国外,已经达到了工艺化流程。1976年,我国研制成功超纯氢发生器,同年12月通过国家监定。一年多来,先后有许多单位使用这一新式制氢设备,除环境监测和一般气相色谱用做气源而外,还有不少更重要的科学研究和生产领域相继采用这种新技术。如国防军工,可控核反应,高能加速器,氢原子钟,制备高纯度金属,半导体工业,有机化学反应等等。多年来,钯的这一特性,曾成为许多研究的课题,吸引着许多研究者的兴趣。Graham Paal、Smifh、Sidgwick、Bond、Cnbeptc 等曾有不少研究和总结。尽管大量的科学文献,都力求阐明钯的吸氢机理,但其内容只限于一般性的阐述,并没有涉及到问题的实质,而且各个作者的意见都有分歧。虽则Sidgwick曾经指出过:“钯的吸氢特征可能与钯的某些金属结构上的性质有关。”但这方面的详尽论述,迄今仍未见诸报导。由于本质问题没有弄清,以致问题愈积愈多,很多的实验事实都无法解释,更谈不 As early as 1866, Graham discovered that metal palladium has a greater ability to absorb various gases and has a greater ability to absorb hydrogen. Palladium absorbs hydrogen at low temperatures and is released at high temperatures. It has been reported that 1 volume of metallic palladium can absorb nearly 3000 volumes of hydrogen. In terms of hydrogen absorption capacity of the metal, palladium is the most empty. According to this characteristic of palladium, people use palladium to prepare, store pure hydrogen, at present, abroad, has reached the process of technology. In 1976, China successfully developed ultra-pure hydrogen generator, in December the same year through the national monitoring. In the past year or so, there have been many units using this new type of hydrogen production equipment. In addition to environmental monitoring and general gas chromatography as a source of gas, many more important scientific research and production fields have successively adopted this new technology. Such as the national defense industry, controlled nuclear reactions, high-energy accelerator, hydrogen atomic clock, preparation of high-purity metals, semiconductor industry, organic chemical reactions and so on. Over the years, this characteristic of palladium, has become a topic of many research, attracting the interest of many researchers. Graham Paal, Smifh, Sidgwick, Bond, Cnbeptc, have a lot of research and summary. Although a large amount of scientific literature seeks to clarify the hydrogen absorption mechanism of palladium, its content is limited to the general description and does not involve the essence of the problem, and the opinions of the authors are divided. Although Sidgwick pointed out: “The hydrogen absorption characteristics of palladium may be related to the structural properties of some metals of palladium.” However, exhaustive exposition in this respect has not been reported so far. Since the nature of the problem is not understood, the problem becomes more and more numerous, many of the experimental facts can not be explained, let alone
1.热等离子体及其应用概述 等离子体按温度分类是一种较常用的分类方法:粒子温度范围为10~6-10~(8°)K的等离子体称为高温等离子体,如太阳、聚变等离子体等;粒子温度范围为3