The Emergency Scientific Investigation on the Surface Rupture Zone of the M_S 7.1 Yushu Earthquake

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongnan1999
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The coseismic surface rupture zone of the seismogenic fault of the MS7.1 Yushu earthquake includes three left-stepping main ruptures, striking 300°~320°, in general. An approximately 2km-long en echelon tension fissure zone was found at Longbao town. The main rupture in the northern part is about 16km long, about 9km long in the middle part, and about 7km long in the southern part, with a total length of 34km. Each of the main ruptures consists of a series of en echelon sub-ruptures represented by a series of compression bulges alternating with tension fissures or by en echelon fissures. The rupture at Changusi, the southernmost of the ruptures, is characterized by vertical displacement, with a value of 50cm. The rupture zone shows left-lateral strike-slip characteristics. The maximal horizontal slip is on the northern main rupture, with a value of 1.8m. The coseismic surface rupture zone of the seismogenic fault of the MS7.1 Yushu earthquake includes three left-stepping main ruptures, striking 300 ° ~ 320 °, in general. An approximately 2km-long en echelon tension fissure zone was found at Longbao town. The main rupture in the northern part is about 16km long, about 9km long in the middle part, and about 7km long in the southern part, with a total length of 34km. Each of the main ruptures consists of a series of en echelon sub- ruptures represented by a series of compression bulges alternating with tension fissures or by en echelon fissures. The rupture at Changusi, the southernmost of the ruptures, characterized by vertical displacement, with a value of 50cm. The rupture zone shows left-lateral strike- slip characteristics. The maximal horizontal slip is on the northern main rupture, with a value of 1.8m.
<正> 应日中社会学会会长青井和夫、秘书长柿崎京一教授的邀请,中国社会科学院社会学研究所所长陆学艺研究员于1990年6月2日至11日访问了日本,出席了6月3日在早稻田大学举行的日中社会学会第二届研讨会,并在会上作了题为《当前中国农村的形势及其动向》的特别讲演。 讲演前,陆学艺首先回忆了福武直先生为中日两国社会学的交流作出的贡献。陆学艺说,日中社会学会是福武直教授亲自创建的,成立以后,就为日中两国社会学者的交流合
《数据库系统导论》 (中文版 )An Introduction to Database Systems(Seventh Edition)作者 :C.J.Date 原出版商 :Addison Wesley,2 0 0 0译者 :孟小峰王珊等 / 16开 ,6 82
目的了解开封市健康人群麻疹抗体水平,探寻免疫预防重点人群。方法采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对开封市健康人群进行麻疹Ig G抗体水平血清学检测,并对结果进行统计学分析。