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6年写下一个期刊传奇11月16日,享誉全国的期刊《特剐关注》迎来一个特别的日子:发行量突破200万份庆典在武昌隆重举行。国家新闻出版总署发来贺电,认为《特别关注》突破200万份是中国期刊界令人瞩目和欣喜的现象,希望进一步将其打造成全国期刊的名优品牌。省委常委、宣传部部长张昌尔致信祝贺。贺信中说,《特别关注》为加速湖北文化产业发展提供了宝贵经验。希望不断提高办刊质量和水平,努力使之成为国内外知名的地域文化品牌。中国期刊协会会长张伯海出席仪式并讲话。省人大常委会副主任鲍隆清、省委宣传部副部长李以章、省新闻出版局副局长黄国钧等领导到会祝贺。湖北日报报业集团董事长、党委书记毕志伦,集团总编辑江作苏参加庆典并致辞,集团总经理杨步国主持庆典。《特别关注》创刊于2000年10月,发行量从3万份起步,2005年5月突破百万份大关,去年底再跃过200万份。目前,该刊发行范围已覆盖全国。其办刊宗旨、经营策略和管理模式正引起国内业界广泛关注。 6 years to write a legend of the journal On November 16, the national magazine “special attention” ushered in a special day: circulation exceeded 2000000 celebration was held in Wuchang. The State Press and Publication Administration sent a congratulatory telegram that the breakthrough of more than 2 million copies of “Special Concern” is a remarkable and delightful phenomenon in the Chinese periodical industry and hopes to further transform it into a famous brand of national periodicals. Zhang Changer, member of the Provincial Party Committee and Propaganda Department, wrote a letter of congratulation. In his letter, “Special Concern” has provided valuable experience in accelerating the development of Hubei’s cultural industry. Hope to continuously improve the quality and level of the journal, and strive to make it a well-known local and cultural brand. Zhang Bohai, president of China Journal Association, attended the ceremony and made a speech. Bao Longqing, deputy director of the Provincial People’s Congress, Li Zhizhang, vice minister of the Propaganda Department of the provincial party committee, and Huang Guojun, deputy director of the provincial press and publication bureau, attended the meeting. Hubei Daily Newspaper Group Chairman, Party Secretary Bi Zhilun, Group Chief Editor Jiang Zuosu attended the celebration and delivered a speech, Yang Buguo, general manager of the Group presided over the celebration. Special Concern was first published in October 2000 with circulation starting at 30,000, breaking the million mark in May 2005 and surpassing 2 million at the end of last year. At present, the publication of the issue has covered the whole country. The purpose of running the newspaper, business strategy and management model are aroused widespread concern in the domestic industry.
46岁的沈立新已在开鲁县国税局建华中心国税所走马上任十六个春秋。自担任所长以来 ,沈立新就把心扑在了建华国税所方圆百里的热土上。每天早晨税工们还在梦乡的时候 ,他就早早
The VPS office, which was established in 1985, its purpose is to colleet the vehiele purchasing surcharges, has already levied 2,600, 000, 000 yuans. That is a
摘 要:本文从激发学生兴趣,发掘学生求知欲,培养学生逻辑思维能力,改进课堂形式,提高课堂效率,在课堂教学中要求学生学会总结与反思的方法出发,探讨了如何有效提高高中数学课堂中的教学效率.  关键词:课堂效率;逻辑思维;策略  长期以来,高中数学教学一直以来都受到传统教学观念的影响,数学教学一直都是以传授数学知识为中心,通过背诵数学定理、性质和大量的习题练习来进行数学教学工作,虽然可以让学生掌握一定数
适应我国加入世界贸易组织 (WTO)新形势的需要 ,使广大读者能够迅速、全面、准确、便捷地了解、执行财政政策法规 ,财政部将于 2 0 0 0年 7月 1日正式向国内外公开出版发行《
财政部、国家税务总局日前就化肥、农药及农药中间体等农业生产资料进口环节增值税征免问题下发了通知。其中规定 ,进口氮肥继续照章征收进口环节增值税 ;对进口磷酸二铵照章