更大,更快!——Lexar 64GB SDXC卡评测

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在正式评测之前,很有必要简单地介绍一下什么是SDXC。简单说来,SDXC是SD卡的一个容量标准。目前主流的SD卡容量标准是SDHC(Secure Digital High Capacity),容量限制为 Before the official evaluation, it is necessary to briefly introduce what is SDXC. In short, SDXC is a capacity standard for SD cards. Currently the mainstream SD card capacity standard is SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity), the capacity is limited to
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时间会议名称会议地点E-mail地址5月3~4日北极和寒冷气候条件下环境污染区的评估与补救措施国际讨论会埃德蒙顿(加拿大)kwbiggar@civil.ualberta.ca或nahirm@pwgsc.gc.ca5月3~5日美国地震学会年会华盛顿(... Time Meeting Name Meeting P