
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slrjlc2009
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地处乌鲁木齐市东山区以南的碱沟煤矿,是自治区仅有的两个高产高效矿井之一,这里地处偏僻,四面环山,社情复杂,各类纠纷层出不穷。张美丽作为碱沟煤矿居委会调解主任,八年来始终默默无闻、勤勤恳恳,以自己的一片赤诚之心,解千家愁,连万家情,把党和政府的温暖送到了群众的心中,人们亲切地称她是把和睦带给大家的人。2002年她被司法部评为“模范人民调解员”、2003年被自治区和乌鲁木齐市评为“优秀人民调解员”。加强理论学习,把调解工作当事业来干 Located in the south of Dongshan District in Urumqi, the alkali ditch mine is one of only two high-yield and high-efficiency mines in the autonomous region. It is located in a remote and surrounded mountainous area with complex social conditions and various disputes. As a director of mediation in the neighborhood of Jinggou Coal Mine, Zhang Meili has always been obscure and diligent in her eight years of hardworking. With her absolute sincerity, she solved the problems of thousands of families and even thousands of families and sent the warmth of the party and government to the hearts of the masses. People affectionately Calling her a man who brought harmony to everyone. In 2002, she was rated as “Model People’s Mediator” by the Ministry of Justice and “Outstanding People’s Mediator” by Autonomous Region and Urumqi in 2003. Strengthen theoretical study and make mediation work a career
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