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改革开放以来,我国铁路客货运量猛增,促使轨道结构向重型化和现代化发展,特别是开发了胶接绝缘接头的胶接技术和道岔焊接技术,使超长无缝线路跨区间铺设获得成功,使我国无缝线路的技术水平跃上了一个新的台阶。为实施铁路提速,铁路部门总结国内外道岔的各种成熟技术,于1996年4月研制出提速道岔,并立即在繁忙干线上推广使用。2000年前后,由于经济和其它方面原因,在铺设的提速道岔中,三分之二采用高锰钢整铸的固定型辙叉。由于高锰钢辙叉是整体铸件,不易产生变形和松动,克服了钢轨组合辙叉的许多缺点,但因高锰钢整铸辙叉存在难以杜绝的铸造内部缺陷,使其绝大部分未达到磨耗限度前提前破损。 Since the reform and opening up, the rapid increase of passenger and freight traffic volume in China has prompted the development of rail structure to become more and more heavy and modernized. In particular, adhesive bonding technology and turnout welding technology have been developed for the bonding of insulated joints. Success, so that the technical level of our seamless line has leapt to a new level. In order to speed up the railway construction, the railway authorities summed up various mature technologies of turnout at home and abroad, and developed a speed-increasing turnout in April 1996 and immediately promoted it on the busy trunk line. Around 2000, two thirds of the speed-raised turnouts laid for use, due to economic and other reasons, were made of fixed-frog castings made of high manganese steel. As the high-manganese steel frog is a whole castings, not easy to produce deformation and loosening, to overcome the shortcomings of rail combination frogs, but because of high manganese steel castings frogs are difficult to eliminate the casting of internal defects, most of them did not reach Wear limit damaged in advance.
本文介绍了青海省铁矿概况,对青海省铁矿主要地质特征及其矿床成因进行了分析。 This paper introduces the general situation of iron ore in Qinghai Province, and anal
本文基于学习策略的基本理论,探讨学生在听力理解的不同阶段所采用的听力策略,以期帮助学生更加有效地进行听力训练,提高听力水平。 Based on the basic theory of learning