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同志们:『中华人民共和国婚姻法』已经公布,大家都已经看过了。我现在就这个婚姻法的起草过程中所接触的问题以及其它需要着重解释的问题,向大家作一些说明。我主要讲以下三个问题:一、婚姻法是怎样产生的『中华人民共和国婚姻法』是中国几千年来没有过的一个婚姻大法,也是中华人民共和国成立后公布的第一个大法。这部婚姻法是中国劳动人民长期奋斗和人民解放战争胜利的果实之一。它是在中国人民驱逐了帝国主义,推翻了国民党反动统治,建立了全国性的人民民主专政并在四分之一人口中实行了土地改革的基础上的产物,它是广大劳动人民特别是广大劳动妇女在婚姻问题方面的要求的集中表现。这部婚姻法从开始起草到公布,整盘经历了一年零五个月的时间。婚姻法的起草工作最初是由法制机关及妇女工作机关负责主持,并邀请其它有关部门合作进行的。为了起草这一婚烟法,我们曾根据所搜集的城市,乡村的各项婚姻材料,并叁考了过去江西苏区和各解放区的婚姻法以及苏联的、东欧各新民主主义国家的婚姻法,进行了反复的研究讨论。在研究讨论中,我们依据和坚持了一九三一年十二月一日中华苏维埃共和国中央执行委员会毛泽东主席签署公布的婚姻文件中的:废除封建婚姻制度,实 Comrades: “Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China” has been announced and everyone has already read it. I will now give some explanations on the problems encountered during the drafting of the Marriage Law and other issues that need to be emphatically explained. I mainly talk about the following three questions: I. How Marriage Laws Are Produced The Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China is the first major law of China that China has not marketed for thousands of years. It is also the first big law to be announced after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. This marriage law is one of the fruits of the long-term struggle of the Chinese working people and the victory of the People’s Liberation Army. It is the product of the expulsion of imperialism by the Chinese people, the overthrow of the reactionary Kuomintang government, the establishment of a nationwide people’s democratic dictatorship and the implementation of the land reform in a quarter of the population. It is a measure for the working people in general, The concentrated expression of the demands of working women on marital issues. The marriage law was drafted from the beginning to the publication, the whole experience of a year and five months time. The drafting of the marriage law was initially presided over by the legal institutions and women’s working bodies and invited other relevant departments to cooperate. In order to draft this marriage law, we conducted a study based on collected marriage materials from cities and villages, taking into account the marriage laws of the past Soviet areas and liberated areas of the past and the marriage laws of the Soviet Union and the new democracies of Eastern Europe. Repeated research and discussion. In the study and discussion, we based and adhered to the promulgation of the marriage document signed by Chairman Mao Zedong of the Central Executive Committee of the Central Soviet Republic of China on December 1, 1931: The abolition of the feudal marriage system;
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一座古关。 一些野草。 一种余韵。 历史翻滚。遁去。 雁门的眼睛,来往千载,与之沉浮。 战争之于雁门已不再有任何意义。 雁门留下的也只是风萧萧兮的感慨。 总结雁门,词汇总
1984年2月-85年6月我们随机抽查84例足月孕妇的宫高、腹围等14项指标,用逐步回归及主成份分析方法,经计算机处理数据,分别建立三元预测方程: =-1105+79.6×宫高+17·1×腹围+