Empty Nest Syndromes in China

来源 :新高考(高三英语) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudingyong2009
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网上流行一道数学题:“我妈妈20岁生下我,以前的20年,她每天都能看到我,现在我20岁了,已经半年没有回家看她。而她40岁了。妈妈如果可以活100岁,那么她还可以活60年。我如果再这样半年回家看她一次,我这一生,妈妈这一生,就只有120次机会见面了……”不管是北上还是南下,如今远赴他乡生活的人越来越多。年轻人纷纷背井离乡,为念书,为工作,为爱情,或为自由故。然而,孔子他老人家曾训道:“父母在,不远游”。随着时代的发展,这样一种行孝理念,在今天是否过时了呢? A math problem pops up online: “My mother, 20, gave birth to me and she saw me every day for the past 20 years, and now I’m 20 years old and have not come home to see her for six months. And she’s 40 years old. If you can live 100 years old, then she can live 60 years.I would like to return home to see her again six months, my life, my mother’s life, only 120 chances to meet ... ... ”Whether it is north or south, Now more and more people go to life in other countries. Young people have to leave their homes to study, work, love, or freedom. However, Confucius had taught his elders: “Parents in, not far from ”. With the development of the times, such a philosophy of filial piety is obsolete today?
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