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作为默顿学派的重要代表之一,伯纳德·巴伯一方面遵循了默顿的科学社会学研究范式,促使科学社会学走向成熟;另一方面,巴伯在“默顿范式”的基础上进一步拓展了科学与社会关联的维度,超越了默顿对科学的社会学理解。与默顿不同的是,巴伯所提到的科学精神特质本质上是一种先在的客观的社会文化,这种文化先于科学而存在,这与默顿的被视为是一种科学社会共同体内生物的科学精神价值有着本质的区别,巴伯的这一社会文化指向也是科学社会学研究的一种新视野。 As one of the important representatives of the Merton School, Bernard Barber, on the one hand, followed Merton's paradigm of scientific sociology and promoted scientific sociology to maturity. On the other hand, in the Merton Paradigm, Based on the further expansion of the dimension of the relationship between science and society, beyond Merton's sociology of science understanding. Unlike Merton, Barbour mentioned the essence of the scientific spirit is essentially a prior objective social culture, which precedes the existence of science, Merton and this is regarded as a science There are essential differences in the values ​​of the scientific spirits of the creatures in the social community. This social and cultural point of view of Barber is also a new field of vision in the study of sociology of science.
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介绍了一种新型油液粘度现场测定装置,其操作方便,结构简单,特别用于油液粘度的现场测定。 A new oil field viscosity measuring device is introduced. Its operation is eas
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今天,老师布置了一项特殊的“作业”:给妈妈洗洗脚。一回到家,我就把这件事告诉了妈妈。妈妈听了,可高兴了! Today, the teacher arranged a special “homework”: washing
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专利文献蕴含了宝贵的信息。本文以皮肤洗护类专利为例,开展专利权人共被引分析,并证明了该方法应用于企业技术创新态势研究的可行性。 Patent literature contains valuabl
记得那时我刚上幼儿园。一天下午,我正在玩玩具,妈妈下班回来了,她人还没进门,就大声喊着:“靓靓,快过来,我给你带来好东西了。” I remember when I was in kindergarten.