
来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinqinlian1982
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今天,英语在我们生活中使用的方面越来越广泛,比如人们在夸一件事很棒时会说“Good”;经常会用“Hi”、“Hello”等英语来打招呼等,同时英语也作为一门重要的国际交际用语,因此英语教学在日常生活中显得是非常必要的。在新课程改革活动开展以后,出现了许多高效的学习方法,比如探究实验法、合作学习法。在高中英语教学中应用合作学习法,不仅会大大提升学生的学习兴趣,而且还会让学生学会如何在生活中使用英语。本文首先对合作学习法进行了简单介绍,然后对合作学习法应用到英语教学的重要性进行了分析,并给出了运用策略。 Today, English is used more and more in our lives. For example, people say “Good” when they boast something great. They often use English such as “Hi” and “Hello” Greetings, etc. At the same time, English is also an important international communicative language, so English teaching appears to be very necessary in daily life. After the new curriculum reform was carried out, many effective learning methods emerged, such as exploring experimental methods and cooperative learning methods. The application of cooperative learning in high school English teaching not only greatly enhances students’ interest in learning, but also enables students to learn how to use English in their daily life. This paper first introduces the cooperative learning method briefly, and then analyzes the importance of the cooperative learning method applied to English teaching and gives the application strategy.
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