Effect of temperature on the effective thermal conductivity of n-tetradecane-based nanofluids contai

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiwei00414
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Nanofluids were prepared by dispersing Cu nanoparticles(~20nm) in n-tetradecane by a two-step method.The effective thermal conductivity was measured for various nanoparticle volume fractions(0.0001-0.02) and temperatures(306.22-452.66 K).The experimental data compares well with the Jang and Choi model.The thermal conductivity enhancement was lower above 391.06 K than for that between306.22 and 360.77 K.The interfacial thermal resistance increased with increasing temperature.The effective thermal conductivity enhancement was greater than that obtained with a more viscous fluid as the base media at 452.66 K because of nanoconvection induced by nanoparticle Brownian motion at high temperature. Nanofluids were prepared by dispersing Cu nanoparticles (~ 20 nm) in n-tetradecane by a two-step method. The effective thermal conductivity was measured for various nanoparticle volume fractions (0.0001-0.02) and temperatures (306.22-452.66 K). The experimental data than well with the Jang and Choi model. The thermal conductivity enhancement was lower than 391.06 K than for that between 306.22 and 360.77 K. The interfacial thermal resistance increased with increasing temperature. The effective thermal conductivity enhancement was greater than that obtained with a more viscous fluid as the base media at 452.66 K because of nanoconvection induced by nanoparticle Brownian motion at high temperature.
本文通过对 2例剖腹产后晚期阴道出血分析 ,对之发生的原因、治疗及预防进行探讨如下。1 病例简介例 1:患者 2 6岁 ,1991年 5月 15日入院 ,入院诊断 :1孕 ,0产 ,妊娠 40周ROA ,
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