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当前,聋校语文教学课堂中,多以语文课本为教学的主要内容,仅使用语文课本进行语文教学,听障学生的写作训练教学内容仍不足,针对性仍不够强。在聋校中,听障学生的文字表达能力现状令人担忧:语句语序混乱、词汇贫乏、存在背作文、抄作文的情况。为充分开发听障学生的智力智能,提高听障学生的写作能力,达到以写作教学促进语言文字表达的目的,笔者着重探索研究适合听障中学生的作文指导与训练教材编制与应用,采用个案研究法、实验分析法、调查研究法开展听障学生写作能力与障碍现状调查,充分运用现代教育技术,探索适合听障学生身心特点的写作教学方法及模式,编制作文指导与训练教材。开发可供教师在课堂使用的课程资源,形成作文指导与训练教材,使听障学生能轻松习作,提高写作教学的有效性。形成一种现阶段可行、规范和高效的写作教、学、练模式。 At present, most of the Chinese textbooks for deaf schools mainly focus on teaching. Only Chinese textbooks are used to teach Chinese. However, teaching contents of writing training for hearing-impaired students are still inadequate and the pertinence is still not strong enough. In deaf schools, the current situation of the ability of writing for hearing impaired students is worrying: the order of sentences is chaotic, the vocabulary is poor, there are cases of back-writing and copy-writing. In order to fully develop the intellectual intelligence of hearing-impaired students and improve the writing skills of the hearing-impaired students so as to achieve the purpose of writing teaching to promote the expression of language, the author focuses on the study of composition and application of composition guidance and training materials for the hearing-impaired students, Law, experimental analysis, investigation and research methods to investigate the writing skills and obstacles of hearing-impaired students, making full use of modern educational technology to explore the teaching methods and modes of writing suitable for the physical and mental health of hearing-impaired students, and writing essay guidance and training materials. Develop curriculum resources that teachers can use in the classroom to form essay guidance and training materials so that students with a disability can easily practice and improve the effectiveness of writing teaching. The formation of a feasible, standardized and efficient writing teaching, learning and training mode.
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