
来源 :种子世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jewellerymay
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1.雌雄异株的蔬菜菠菜是雌雄异株的蔬菜。在生产一代杂种时,只要将选好的双亲本邻近种植,在开花之前及时拔除母本中的雄株和两性株,让父本的花粉自然授粉,就可以在母本上采收一代杂种。同时,可在父本行上采收父本的种子,而母本种子要另设隔离区单独采种。2.雌雄同株异花的蔬菜瓜类蔬菜多为雌雄同株异花,此方法中将杂交亲本在隔离区内隔行种植,开花前摘除母本系统的雄花,使其自然传粉或用父本的雄花授粉,这样就可以在母本上收杂种一代种子,在父本上收父本系统的种子,而母本的种子也要另设隔离区采种。用这种方法制种,每 1. Dioecious vegetable spinach is a dioecious vegetable. When producing the first generation of hybrids, one generation of hybrids can be harvested in the female parent only by selecting the selected parents in close proximity and unplugging the male and female plants in the female parent before the flowering, so that the pollen of the male parent can be naturally pollinated. In the meantime, the seeds of the male parent can be harvested in the parental line, while the female parental seed can be set separately in the isolation zone. 2. Hermaphrodite vegetable melon vegetables are mostly hermaphrodite flower, this method will be cross-planting hybrid parents in the isolation zone, before the flowering male system to remove male flowers, pollination or use of its natural parent or father Of the male pollination, so that you can receive the first generation of seed in the mother of the generation, in the paternal parent system to receive the seeds, while the mother of the seeds have separate quarantine. Seed in this way, each
原湖北省荆州地区与沙市合并为荆沙市。经荆沙市、长航局批准,沙市港务管理局更名为荆沙港务管理局。荆沙港将在原有港区基础上,投资近亿元,以新建盐 Jingzhou City, Hubei
  Objective: Faced with high prevalence of psychiatric illnesses, increasing socio-economic inequality, and high suicide rates, Chinas rural physicians (previ
[摘 要] 对几种常见的钢混凝土组合结构作了介绍;探讨钢-混凝土結构应用于高层建筑中几种结构体系;提出了钢-混凝土结构发展趋势,采用静态与动态的技术经济分析方法,对钢—混凝土组合结构住宅建筑体系的经济性进行了全面分析。  [关键词] 钢-混凝土结构 发展概况 结构体系 发展趋势 技术经济分析