
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:livebody
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就一个执政党而言,能否掌好权、用好权,关系着自身的兴衰存亡。作为一个领导干部,用权把握好度,既不敷衍塞责、又不滥施淫威,当是其提高领导水平和执政能力的题中之义。领导干部用权,管好人、财、物是一个重要内容。对人的管理就必须考虑充分调动人的积极性,使之各尽其能、各得其所,上下一心,同舟共济。这就要求领导干部在管理人上用权要把握好法理之度、宽严之度。而在管理财、物上用权要把握一个尺度,这就是一切财、物的支配都应以整体利益为重,而不能为领导者个人的喜好所左右。用权把握度,是马克思主义辩证法的基本要求。度是质与量的统一,在一定的限度内,量的增减不会改变事物的质;超出这种限度,量变就会引起质变,破坏原来的度而建立新的度,一事物转化为他事物。度的辩证原理要求人们在一切实践活动中都应当掌握“适度”的 As far as a ruling party is concerned, whether or not we can hold the power and use the right to do things is related to the rise and fall of our own. As a leading cadre, grasping the right with the right does not mean perfunctory criticism, nor excessive abuse of martyrdom, as its justification for raising the level of leadership and governing ability. Leading cadres right to use, good people, money, material is an important content. The management of people must consider fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the people so that they can do their best and work their own ways, work together and work together. This requires that leading cadres exercise the right of managers to grasp the level of jurisprudence and impartiality. In the management of the financial and material resources, the right to take a measure, which is all the money, the dominance of things should be based on the overall interests, but not for personal preferences of the leaders. Grasping the right to use is the basic requirement of Marxist dialectics. Degree is the unification of quantity and quantity. Within a certain limit, the increase or decrease of quantity will not change the quality of things; beyond this limit, quantity change will cause qualitative change, destroy original degree and establish new degree, His thing. The dialectical principle of degree requires that people should master “moderate ” in all practical activities
本文提出了氢化物发生火焰原子吸收测定锡原矿和尾矿中微量锡的方法。方法简单快速,灵敏度为0.006ppm,变异系数2.4—2.8%。 In this paper, a method for the determination