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为了解决当前乱花乡镇企业钱的问题,最近湖南省委、省政府以湘办发(1985)17号文件作出新规定,要求各地、各部门控制各种收费,减轻乡镇企业的负担. 新规定有五条,主要内容是:一是今后县以上各部门出钱兴办的各种公共事业,要经同级人民政府批准.乡镇兴办的事业,要经乡镇人民代表大会讨论,并坚持“定项限额”,从严控制.二是农村的各项社会性开支和乡镇政府的各项费用,不得直接向乡镇企业支取.乡镇企业实行向乡镇政府“限额包干上交”.上交一般为当年税后利润的10-20%,最多不超过30%.乡镇政府向企业提取利润,一般应在年终分配时进行,不准预提,更不准要无盈利的企业用贷款抵交.凡超过规定提取利润的,农业银行有权拒付款项.三是乡镇企业按规定提取的固定资产折旧费(矿山更新改造费)、大修理费、企业基金等要专项储存,由农业银行监督使用,保证专款专用,任何单位和个人不准平调挪用.四是有关部门向乡镇企业收取的业务性管理费,要本着服务收费的原则从严控制,对巧立名目的各种收费,应予取消.五是干部利用职权挪用乡镇企业资金物 In order to solve the current problem of squandering money for township enterprises, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government recently issued a new regulation requiring the local governments and departments to control various charges so as to reduce the burden on township and town enterprises. There are five main contents are as follows: First, all kinds of public utilities that are to be paid out by various departments above the county level must be approved by people’s governments at the same level. The undertakings to be established by townships and townships should be discussed by the township people’s congress and adhere to the “ Second, the various social expenditures in rural areas and the township government’s expenses shall not be directly withdrawn from the township and village enterprises .Township enterprises to the township government ”limit the package to dry." Turn in the general after tax for the year 10-20% of the profits, the maximum not more than 30% of the township government to make profits from the enterprise, the general should be carried out at the year-end distribution, are not allowed, not allowed to non-profit enterprises to use the loan to offset. Profits, the Agricultural Bank reserves the right to refuse to pay the third is the township enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the fixed assets depreciation fees (mine renovation costs), overhaul, corporate funds and other special storage, supervised by the Agricultural Bank to ensure that Dedicated to any unit and individual is not allowed to misappropriation of flat.Fourth, the relevant departments charge the business management fee charged to the township and village enterprises, should be based on the principle of service charges strictly control the various charges for the purpose of creating a name, should be canceled. It is the cadres who misappropriate the funds of township enterprises by their powers
<正>虽然年龄不能成为工作的“坎”,但有些职 业,基于其工作特点,还是需要有创意的思维和 充沛的体力做坚强后盾的。如今的“青春饭”职 业也是需要有真才实学,有专长和技能