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[目的]探讨糖尿病并发肺结核的临床特征及其相关因素,以便早期诊断、合理治疗,提高治愈率。[方法]对我院近3年收治的85例2型糖尿病并发肺结核(简称DM—PTB组)与随机抽取的87例单纯性肺结核(简称PTB组)进行比较,对其临床症状、胸部X线表现、实验室检查及治疗效果进行回顾性对比分析。[结果]DM-PTB组急性或亚急性起病61.17%,咳嗽咯痰88.23%,咯血63.52%,盗汗62.35%,均高于PTB组;胸部X线病变类型DM-PTB组病变性质和病变部位均有差异;痰菌抗酸杆菌DM-PTB组阳性69.41%高于PTB组35.63%(P﹤0.05)。治疗转归DM—PTB有效率87.05%低于PTB组97.70%(P﹤0.05)。2、3、6月末痰菌转阴DM—PTB组为40.67%、49.15%、49.49%,PTB组为80.64%、93.54%、96.77%(P﹤0.05)。[结论]DM-PTB组临床症状及影像学表现与PTB组存在一定的差异,DM-PTB组痰结核菌转阴与肺部病变吸收均与血糖控制有关,控制血糖可提高糖尿病并发肺结核的治愈率。 [Objective] To explore the clinical characteristics of diabetes complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis and its related factors in order to make early diagnosis and reasonable treatment and improve the cure rate. [Methods] 85 cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis (referred to as DM-PTB group) and 87 cases of simple pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB group) admitted in our hospital in recent 3 years were compared. Their clinical symptoms, chest X-ray Performance, laboratory tests and treatment of retrospective comparative analysis. [Results] The acute and subacute onset of DM-PTB group was 61.17%, cough and expectoration of 88.23%, hemoptysis 63.52% and night sweating 62.35%, respectively, which were higher than that of PTB group. The pathological changes and the location of lesions in DM-PTB group (P <0.05). The positive rate of Bacillus acidophilus DM-PTB was 69.41% higher than that of PTB (35.63%) (P <0.05). The treatment outcome of DM-PTB was 87.05% lower than that of PTB group (97.70%, P <0.05). At the end of 2, 3, and 6 months, the sputum negative conversion rate was 40.67%, 49.15% and 49.49% in the DM-PTB group and 80.64%, 93.54% and 96.77% in the PTB group (P <0.05). [Conclusion] The clinical symptoms and imaging findings of DM-PTB group are different from that of PTB group. The negative sputum of M. tuberculosis and the absorption of pulmonary lesions in DM-PTB group are all related to the control of blood glucose, and the control of blood sugar can heal the cure of diabetes complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis rate.
提出了一个数字信息环境下图书馆管理政策保障的逻辑框架,并通过实例进行了分析运用,同时给出了基于该框架的三个方面的政策保障建议。 Put forward a logic framework of l
中国国防科技信息学会信息资源与信息技术专业委员会拟于2010年6月组织召开“知识组织与知识服务”学术研讨会。现将会议征文有关事宜通知如下: China National Defense Sci