Crohn's disease environmental factors in the developing world: A case-control study in a statew

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DragonDoor
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AIM To identify environmental risk factors associated with the development of Crohn’s disease(CD) in order to reassess the hygiene hypothesis.METHODS A hospital-based, case-control study was carried out with CD patients(n = 145) and controls(n = 163)representing a socioeconomically diverse statewide catchment area in Brazil. Controls were recruited from caregivers of patients seen in different outpatient clinics at the same hospital. A multi-item survey with 94 questions regarding family history of CD, perinatal and childhood circumstances, living conditions, tobacco use and familial socioeconomic status was carried out by interviewers. RESULTS On the univariate analysis, predictive variables for CD included being male, under age of 40, a high education level, urban dweller, smaller family size, exposure to enteric pathogens and user of treated water(P < 0.005). On the multivariate analysis, variables significantly associated with CD were male gender(OR = 2.09), under age 40(OR = 3.10), white(OR = 2.32), from a small family in childhood(OR = 2.34) and adulthood(OR = 3.02), absence of viral infections in childhood(OR = 2.23), exposure to enteric pathogens(OR = 2.41), having had an appendectomy(OR = 2.47) and prior or current smoker(OR = 2.83/1.12). CONCLUSION Most variables supporting the “hygiene hypothesis” are associated with the development of CD but are not independent predictors of the diagnosis. AIM To identify environmental risk factors associated with the development of Crohn’s disease (CD) in order to reassess the hygiene hypothesis. METHHODS A hospital-based, case-control study was carried out with CD patients (n = 145) and controls (n = 163) representing a socioeconomically diverse statewide catchment area in Brazil. Controls were recruited from caregivers of patients seen in different outpatient clinics at the same hospital. A multi-item survey with 94 questions regarding family history of CD, perinatal and childhood circumstances, living conditions results on tobacco use and familial socioeconomic status were carried out by interviewers. RESULTS On the univariate analysis, predictive variables for CD included being male, under age of 40, a high education level, urban dweller, smaller family size, exposure to enteric pathogens and user of treated water (P <0.005). On the multivariate analysis, variables significantly associated with CD were male gender (OR = 2.09), under age 40 (OR = 3.10) (OR = 2.32), from a small family in childhood (OR = 2.34) and adulthood (OR = 3.02), absence of viral infections in childhood Had an appendectomy (OR = 2.47) and prior or current smoker (OR = 2.83 / 1.12). CONCLUSION Most variables supporting the “hygiene hypothesis ” are associated with the development of CD but are not independent predictors of the diagnosis.
鲁迅研究和中国现代版画史研究者李允经 ,19 96年出版的《中国现代版画史》 ,曾博得国内外美术界的好评 ,并荣获日本国际版画研究会凤凰金奖和中国版画家协会颁发的“鲁迅版
<正> 许多世纪以来,对于文学作品的可译性一直存有很大的疑问。人们再三认为,任何人也不可能把一部史诗、一首抒情诗、一部诗剧、或甚至一本散文小说的思想、感情、风格以及形式结合到另一种语言中去。然而事实是,在世界各地都在运用着翻译艺术。通过这种艺术,一个国家的许多文学成就在其它国家找到了读者,甚至被移植了过来。他们的人民能够同外国作品中表达的经历和感情发生共鸣,文人们受到它们的推动,甚至很深的影响。
小张的同事A和B常搭小张的车回家,返程时,一接到小张的电话,A就说:“哥,我在家等你,你来接我吧。”B一接到小张的电话就说:“哥,您在家等我,我马上去您家。”  小张说:“每次我去接A,我得在楼下喊他,让我心里很不舒服,仿佛我就应该做他的司机。每次我去接B,他已在路边等我了。所以,我非常乐意去接他,如果我让B步行到我家里,我良心都会感到不安的!”  同样是结果相同的一句话,小张从A的话中读出了自私
节奏强劲的电子舞曲持续播放,“咔嚓咔嚓”按动快门的声音此起彼伏,闪光灯从四面八方乍现,围得水泄不通的人群中时不时爆发出一阵阵欢呼与尖叫,掌声更是从音乐响起的那一刻开始就没有停止——这里不是好莱坞,不是名利场,没有镁光灯,也没有狗仔队……不过,“巨星”已然登场!  “巨星”之所以能成为“巨星”,自然身手不凡——你看,那个独占“舞台”尽情舞蹈的女生眼中哪里还有旁人?她一心跟着旋律舒展肢体,时起时落,时