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该书是从民革中央出版的《团结报》专栏《民国史谈》中所刊300余篇文章中选取的100余篇文章的汇集。与原报所发表的相比,增加了因各式各样原因(其中最重要的是报纸篇幅限制而造成的)而删去的部分,为体现其成为一本书的完整性,又增加了一个《民国史大事简表》的附录,向读者介绍1894—1949年中国所发生的大事。从形式上看,这是一本史学小品集,每篇的篇幅不过一二千字而已,但立意却不低,这正像主编者在该栏开辟时所标帜的:“凡民国时期的政治、经济、军事、外交、文化、人物、党派、团体、社会、民族、风俗诸项目,均可入‘谈’,每篇字数希望在一两千字之间,或介绍新资料,或提出新问 The book is a collection of more than 100 articles selected from more than 300 articles published in the ”History of the Republic of China“ column in the ”Umoja“ column published by the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Reform. Compared with the one published in the original paper, the deletion of the part due to various reasons (the most important of which is the limitation of the length of the newspaper) was added to reflect the integrity of the book. An appendix to the ”Brief History of the Republic of China History,“ an introduction to readers about the events of 1894-1949 in China. From a formal point of view, this is a collection of historical essays, each of which has only a thousand words in length, but its conception is not low, just as the editor-in-chief pointed out in the opening of this column: ”During the Republic of China Of the political, economic, military, diplomatic, cultural, personal, political, economic, military, diplomatic, cultural, political, economic, military, diplomatic, cultural, ethnic, Ask new questions
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记者的乐趣,是哪儿热闹就往哪儿跑。 光是共和国成立的头五年,我就报道过四个“新中国第一” 共和国成立后,给四川人民办的第一件事是建成成渝铁路 大家知道,中华人民共和国