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巨鹿县委在落实县、乡、村三级网络式党建工作责任制中,采取了六条措施。1.建立三级基层党建责任制领导机构,指导责任制体系运行。县委分管党务的副书记主抓,组织部长、宣传部长、纪检书记协助抓,并在组织部设立了基层党建责任制工作办公室,具体负责基层党建责任制的确定、实施、监督和指导。2.制订有关制度,保证基层党建责任制体系正常运行。县委建立了常委定期研究党建工作例会制度,常委包乡联系村蹲点制度,月调度、季检查制度,定期汇报通报制度等,保证了基层党建责任制的正常运行。3.强化责任人队伍,发挥专兼职人员在基层党建责任制体系运行中的骨干作用。两年来,县委选拔了40多名35岁左右、具有大专以上文化程度的干部负 Julu County Committee in the implementation of the county, township and village level network-based party construction responsibility system, has taken six measures. 1. Establish a three-level grass-roots party construction responsibility system of leading bodies to guide the operation of the responsibility system. The county party committee in charge of the deputy secretary of the party chief, organization minister, propaganda minister, secretary of discipline inspection assistance to assist and set up in the organizational department grassroots party construction responsibility office, specifically responsible for the grass-roots party construction responsibility system, implementation, supervision and guidance. 2. Formulate relevant systems to ensure the normal operation of the system of responsibility for party-building at the grass-roots level. County Party Committee established a regular study of the regular work of party building system, member of the rural areas of the village committee system, monthly scheduling, quarter inspection system, reporting system regularly reported to ensure the normal operation of the grassroots party responsibility system. 3. Strengthen the ranks of responsible persons and give full play to the role of full-time part-timers in the operation of the system of responsibility for party-building at the grassroots level. Over the past two years, the county has selected more than 40 cadres who are about 35 and have a college education
“运动改变城市,体育促进发展”的办赛理念,不但促使城市面貌改变,经济社会发展,更高度阐述了区运会的功能和内涵。 “Sports to change the city, sports for development
In recent years, various initiatives have been taken on safety management by the interna- tional and national maritime industries such as IMO Goal-based Standar
世界上究竟有多少种语言呢?据有关方面统计,截止到今年,地球上50多亿人口每天说的语言种类达6000种之多。 据语言学家推算,公元前地球上曾有12000种语言存在,公元元年时降为
本文论述用于激光荧光肺癌诊断图象处理系统滤光片的膜系设计,制备这套滤光片所采取的工艺措施,最后给出研制的结果. This paper discusses the design of the membrane system