,A fast identification method based on the typical geophysical differences between submarine shallow

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Bottom simulating reflector (BSR) has been recognized as one of the indicators of gas hydrates.However,BSR and hydrate are not one-to-one correspondence.In the Xisha area of South China Sea (SCS),carbonate rocks wildly develop,which continuously distribute parallel to the seafloor with high amplitude on seismic sections,exhibiting reflections similar to BSRs in the Shenhu area nearby.This phenomenon causes some interference to hydrates identification.In this paper,the authors discussed the typical geophysical differences between carbonate rocks and hydrates,indicating that the main difference exists in relationship between porosity and velocity,causing different amplitude versus offset (AVO) characters.Then the authors proposed a new model assuming that the carbonates form the matrix and the hydrate fill the pore as a part of the matrix.The key modeling parameters have been optimized constrained by Pvelocities and S-velocities simultaneously,and the model works well both for carbonate rock and gas hydrate bearing sediments.For quantitative identification,the authors calculated the velocities when carbonates and hydrates form the matrix together in different proportions.Then they proposed a carbonate and hydrate identification template (CHIT),in which the possible hydrate saturation (PHS) and possible carbonate content (PCC) can be both scaled out for a group of sample composed by P-velocity and S-velocity.If PHS is far larger than PCC,it is more likely to be a hydrate sample because carbonates and hydrates do not coexist normally.The real data application shows that the template can effectively distinguish between hydrates and carbonate rocks,consequently reducing the risk of hydrate exploration.
目的 对某体校游泳池水氯化消毒副产物皮肤接触途径的危害进行分析评价.方法 采用健康风险评价模式,抽样检测某体校游泳池三氯甲烷、二氯乙酸和三氯乙酸的浓度,问卷调查游泳
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中图分类号:G845 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2013)01-000-02  摘 要 “相克”现象在一些体育竞技比赛中经常出现,想必很多人对此现象的产生很是不解。本文将从隔网对抗运动员“相克”这种现象指出相克产生的原因以及对这种原因的初步分析,并提出如何及时对自己技战术的长板、短板进行调整互换来使这种“克我”角色转换成“我克”角色。  关键词 隔网对抗 运动员 相克  一、前言