Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Structure and Electrochemical Properties of PuNi_3-type Hydrogen St

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hn_hcg
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Structure and electrochemical properties of (La, Ce, Pr, Nd)_2MgNi_9 hydrogen storage alloys were investigated through orthogonal design experiments, and the alloys were obtained through induction melting followed by annealing treatment. The structure of main phase in alloys belongs to PuNi_3-type with a space group R3m. Rare earth elements, as a substitute of lanthanum, have a significant effect on phase structure of alloys, elements of cerium and neodymium are beneficial to the formation of Gd_2Co_7-type phase with a space group P 6_3/mmc. Rare earth elements can decrease the unit cell volume of main phase of alloys dramatically, and increase the axis ratio. The results of electrochemical experiment showed that the discharge capacity of alloy electrodes ranged from 342.97 to 380.68 mAh·g -1, and elements of cerium and neodymium can reduce the discharge capacity of alloy electrodes significantly. Compared to the electrode of La_2MgNi_9 alloy, the substitution of lanthanum by rare earth elements did not improve the cyclic stability of alloy electrodes due to the anisotropic structure change of unit cell. While rare-earth elements can improve the high rate dischargeability of alloy electrodes, the high rate dischargeability of alloy electrodes could reach the maximum when the unit cell volume of PuNi_3-type structure was about 0532 nm. Structure and electrochemical properties of (La, Ce, Pr, Nd) _2MgNi_9 hydrogen storage alloys were investigated through orthogonal design experiments, and the alloys were obtained through induction melting followed by annealing treatment. The structure of main phase in alloys belongs to PuNi_3-type with a space group R3m. Rare earth elements, as a substitute of lanthanum, have a significant effect on phase structure of alloys, elements of cerium and neodymium are beneficial to the formation of Gd_2Co_7-type phase with a space group P 6_3 / mmc. Rare earth elements can decrease the unit cell volume of main phase of alloys, and increase the axis ratio. The results of electrochemical experiment showed that the discharge capacity of alloy electrodes ranged from 342.97 to 380.68 mAh · g -1, and elements of cerium Compared to the electrode of La_2MgNi_9 alloy, the substitution of lanthanum by rare ear th elements did not improve the cyclic stability of alloy electrodes due to the anisotropic structure change of unit cell. While rare-earth elements can to improve the high rate discharge alloy of alloy electrodes, the high rate dischargeability of alloy electrodes could reach the maximum when the unit cell volume of PuNi_3-type structure was about 0532 nm.
1   上高中的时候,学校搞了个课题研究,每个人都要提交想法。负责我们的是个地理老师,她让我们在纸条上写自己好奇的问题。   高一的我特别叛逆自负,觉得这些东西很无聊,也觉得全世界就自己最厉害,相当痛恨应试教育,觉得学校这种地方,实在是承载不了我的才华。   所以,就像是恶作剧一样,我写的问题是“为什么我积木搭得这么好,学校不开积木课?”我当时想你有本事就给我过呗,弄来弄去扯什么学习扯什么追