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早在60年代后期,菲律宾采取开放政策,积极吸引外资,促进了经济发展。70年代,该国的经济发展速度较快,以年均6%的比例快速增长。但到了70年代末期,经济结构出现了不平衡,明显需要进行调整,而且外债负担日益加重,最终导致了80年代的经济大滑坡。 80年代初期,菲律宾政局动荡,债台高筑,给经济造成了严重创伤,而菲律宾邻国的经济在80年代取得突飞猛进的发展,使该国被远远抛在后面。菲80年代的经济衰退,成为其80年代末、90年初展开经济 As early as the late 1960s, the Philippines adopted an open-door policy to actively attract foreign investment and promote economic development. In the 1970s, the country’s economy grew rapidly, growing rapidly at an average annual rate of 6%. However, by the late 1970s, there was an imbalance in the economic structure, a clear need for adjustment, and an increase in the external debt burden, which eventually led to the economic downturn of the 1980s. In the early 1980s, the political turmoil and debt-ridden Philippines caused serious trauma to the economy. The Philippine neighbors’ economy made rapid progress in the 1980s, leaving the country far behind. Philippine economic recession of the 1980s became its economy in the late 1980s and early 1990s
SERCOS is a data exchange protocol between CNC -controller and digital drives. The author developed an Active SERCOS Card based on PC ISA bus. With this card,
测量时,首先将量具放在万能V形铁上,用内径千分尺调千分表的零位(图1),然后将其移到被测工件上,一端固定,一端可沿水平轴线移动(图2)。根据测头左右方 Measurement, the fi
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为落实毛主席“备战、备荒、为人民”的伟大战略方针,我厂革命职工,学习了兄弟单位的经验,以大批判开路,狠抓油炉试验和生产过程中的两条路线斗争,批判“洋奴哲学”、 In or
Vor100Jahren一百年前,即1895年,奥地利精神病科医生SigmundFreud(1856-1939)和生理学家JosefBreuer(1842-1925)将他们的共同研究成果《歇斯底里研究)公布于世,从而开创了“无意识”研究。为使读者对F... Vor100Jahren A hundred years ago, in