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15年前,一名偏远县城里的青年考入脱产电大班学习。当时在班里的各科考试成绩均属于中偏上。他的兴趣广泛,知识面较宽,特别善于融汇多种知识。经过十多年的努力(他自认为还说不上奋斗),如今已在一个中央重要机关担当了重要职务。举这个例子,只想说明一点,成绩单不代表能力,分数不特高,将来不一定就贡献小。从这个意义上说,讲素质教育,在“减负”的同时,还有“增项”的内容,即在保证学好基础知识的前提下,因材施教,尤其是在能力和做人方面,老师和学生都应多下功夫。 Fifteen years ago, a young man in a remote county seat was admitted to a large-scale off-campus class. At the time of the examination subjects in the class are all on the side. He has a wide range of interests, a wide range of knowledge, is particularly good at integrating a variety of knowledge. After more than a decade of hard work (which he considers unspeakable), he has now assumed an important post at a central authority. To give this example, just want to explain that transcripts do not represent ability, score is not high, the future may not necessarily contribute to small. In this sense, speaking of quality education, while “reducing burdens”, there is still an “increasing term” content, that is, under the premise of guaranteeing a good basic knowledge, teaching students in accordance with their aptitudes, especially in terms of abilities and talents, Teachers and students should work harder.
The 1998 International Meeting of Sinologists“ was held at theXiangshan Guesthouse from the 5th to 8th May 1998. Those attending camefrom seventeen countries i