
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y358549797
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当下,国民经济迅猛发展,工业化水平不断提升,国家不断加大了现代机械加工业项目的投入力度,开始更多地应用大锻件,对于锻造车间的自动化及锻造机械化的要求也很高。在锻造自动化的实施过程中,锻造操作机是其关键设备,可以与相关大型锻件紧密联系,并与主机进行有效配合,实现锻造操作的顺利完成,在一定程度上有效提升了生产效率及产品质量。但从实际看,我国在新型锻造操作机上的技术还不是很成熟,所以说进行自主创新打破这一局势显得至关重要。基于此,本文对新型锻造操作机动力学分析与控制器设计进行了详细研究。 At present, the rapid development of the national economy and the continuous improvement of the industrialization level have continuously increased the investment in the modern mechanical processing industry and started to use more large forgings. The requirements for automation and forging mechanization in forging workshops are also high. Forging automation in the implementation process, the forging machine is its key equipment, can be associated with the relevant large forgings, and with the host to effectively cooperate to achieve the successful completion of forging operations, to a certain extent, effectively enhance the production efficiency and product quality . However, from a practical point of view, our country’s technology in the new forging operation machine is not yet very mature, so it is crucial to carry out independent innovation to break the situation. Based on this, a detailed study on the dynamics analysis and controller design of the new forging operation is carried out.
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