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此造型机利用压缩空气冲击和补充压实紧实型砂。它主要由壳体4、压板6和一个阀组成。壳体4位于砂箱1及辅助框2的上方,并与其构成一个密闭的造型腔。造型腔可与压缩空气源3接通。在壳体4里有一个可从上向下压实型砂5的压板6和一个可向压板下方的造型腔7通压缩空气的阀。为了能够通过压缩空气的快速冲击使型砂达到预紧实,设计了一个压板6的边缘和壳体4中的阀座8共同起作用的阀。最好是象图中所示的那样,将储气室9直接设置在压板6的上方。为了能够使压板保持关闭及快速打开,设计了一个能产生闭锁力的活塞12。此活塞下端面的面积比压板上压缩 This molding machine uses compressed air to impact and replenish compacted sand. It is mainly composed of the housing 4, the pressure plate 6 and a valve. The housing 4 is located above the flask 1 and the auxiliary frame 2 and constitutes a closed molding cavity therewith. The molding chamber can be connected to the compressed air source 3. In the housing 4 there is a pressure plate 6 which can compact the molding sand 5 from the top to the bottom and a valve which can compress the pressure to the molding chamber 7 below the pressure plate. In order to be able to preform the molding sand by the rapid impact of the compressed air, a valve is designed which co-operates with the edge of the pressure plate 6 and the valve seat 8 in the housing 4. Preferably, the gas storage chamber 9 is disposed directly above the pressure plate 6 as shown in the drawing. In order to be able to keep the pressure plate closed and quickly opened, a piston 12 capable of generating a locking force is designed. The lower end of the piston has a smaller area than the platen
民主德国SKET(台尔曼重型机械联合企业)为适应小型型、棒、线材轧钢厂大坯料断面和工艺改造的需要,推出SKET型机架紧凑式粗轧机,其主要技术参数如下: SKET Germany (Delft
PREMESSALa cavità si apre a quota 790 sul versante sud-orientale del MonteSelvapiana,in comune di Gavardo.La grotta ha andamento discendentee raggiunge la pro
油柜法兰如图1所示。以前,我厂一直采用热弯工艺。热弯成的法兰内侧面皱折大,不圆整,产品质量低劣。而且能耗大,劳动强度 Oil tank flange shown in Figure 1. Previously,
编辑同志: 你好!我有一个5岁女儿,既聪明又漂亮。我和孩子的爸爸因感情不和于两年前离婚,由于我没有房子(我在父母家住),没有稳定的工作,没有能力抚养孩子,所以,离婚后孩子由
本文介绍了用液体原料制取的直接式渗碳炉气的应用及其可控性研究结果。采用多相平衡反应的方法计算了四种炉气成分。 研究发现,由于混合比变化造成的炉气成分变化,是引起单