Effect of Photoperiod in the Regulation of the Annual Testicular Cycle of a Subtropical Mammal,the I

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In seasonally breeding subtropical mammal, the Indian pelm squirrel (Funambulus pennanti), reproductive recrudescence is initiated before the winter solstice followed by sexually active condition which extends until the end of summer season. Onset of seasonal regression coincides with the annual decrease in daily photoperiod and the increased level of relative humidity resulting from the arrival of monsoon at this latitude. To test the photoperiodic responses, the groupe of squirrels were exposed to natural day length (NDL), long day length (LD15:9), and Short day length (LD 6: 18) over a period of one year beginning from March. Squirrels of all these groupe were exposed to similar ambient temperature and humidity conditions.Initially, the rate of testicular development was similar in control and long day squirrels attaining peak values in May (0.67 cm3) and June (0.7 cm3) respectively. Thereafter, while the gonads of controls regressed, the latter maintained a plateau. On the other hand, the gonads of short day squirrels regressed sharply until June (0.21 cm3)followed by spontaneous recrudescence and finally a plateau (0.55 cm3). These results indicate that initially squirrels are photosensitive (as long days are gonadostimulatory and short days are inhibitory) in the first half of summer season but eventually become refractory to the inhibitory effect of short days. Obvinusly, an acyclic condition is developed under constant long as well short day conditions maintaining the neurocndocrine-gonadal-axis in a continuously active state. We suggest that in nature although gonadal growth of this species does not synchronize with the increase in daily photoperiod, it is partially regulated by an interplay of annual photocycle and humidity conditions. Present study also indicates that this species has developed a strong photoperiodic mechanism which may surposs the reproductive effect of other environmental factors when maintained in constant conditions of day length. In seasonally breeding subtropical mammal, the Indian pelm squirrel (Funambulus pennanti), reproductive recrudescence is initiated before the winter solstice followed by sexually active condition which extends until the end of summer season. Onset of seasonal regression coincides with the annual decrease in daily photoperiod and the increased level of relative humidity resulting from the arrival of monsoon at this latitude. To test the photoperiodic responses, the groupe of squirrels were exposed to natural day length (NDL), long day length (LD 15: 9) LD 6: 18) over a period of one year beginning from March. Squirrels of all these groupe were exposed to similar ambient temperature and humidity conditions. Inially, the rate of testicular development was similar in control and long day squirrels attaining peak values ​​in May (0.67 cm3) and June (0.7 cm3) respectively. While, while the gonads of controls regressed, the latter maintained a plateau. On the other ha nd, the gonads of short day squirrels regressed sharply until June (0.21 cm3) followed by spontaneous recrudescence and finally a plateau (0.55 cm3). These results indicate the initially squirrels are photosensitive (as long days are gonadostimulatory and short days are inhibitory) in the first half of summer season but eventually become refractory to the inhibitory effect of short days. Obvinusly, an acyclic condition is developed under constant long as well short day conditions maintain the neurocndocrine-gonadal-axis in a continuously active state. nature although gonadal growth of this species does not synchronize with the increase in daily photoperiod, it is partially regulated by an interplay of annual photocycle and humidity conditions. Present study also indicates that this species has developed a strong photoperiodic mechanism which may surposs the reproductive effect of other environmental factors when maintained in constant conditions of day length.
摘要 模因论是从崭新的角度解释文化进化规律的一种新理论。模因论的核心概念是模因,它的名字仿照基因而得,是指文化基因,用以说明人类的思想观念通过模因的自我复制得以传播和继承。而文学作品的互文性强调各语篇之间都是有联系的,是相互的吸收和转化。笔者认为模因和互文有共同之处,语篇互文的过程正是模因的自我复制,并以古典诗词为例,尝试分析模因的复制对于考察互文性表现力所做的贡献。  关键词:模因 语篇互文性
摘要 翻译作为一种复杂的人类活动系统,离不开特定的人类行为主体。本文从唯物辩证法角度解析翻译主体,分析了各个不同理论背景的学者从各个不同角度看待翻译主体问题所形成的不同的翻译主体观。  关键词:翻译主体 译者 译者主体性  中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A     一 从唯物主义系统论看翻译主体    唯物辩证法认为,所谓“联系”,是指一切事物、现象之间及其内部诸要素之间的相互依存、相互影响、
摘要作品的创作心理与接受心理的结合分析,才能真正实现作品的价值。本文通过分析文学接受的3种心理功能:再造想象与表象记忆、情感体验和情感反应、形象思维,来浅述文学接受者在阅读、欣赏、评价作品时的心理活动。  关键词:文学接受 心理活动 功能  中图分类号:G05 文献标识码:A    文学接受是以文学作品的读者作为主体设定的一个文学理论概念,是一种以文学文本为对象、以读者为主体、力求把握本文深层意蕴
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